c++ - QT GridLayout 添加 Stacked QLabel

标签 c++ qt


有什么建议可以实现吗?我可以将两个 Qlabels 添加到彼此吗?我试图在新布局中插入两个标签并将其推送到 scrollWidgetLayout,但我只有一个缩略图。

//Create new ThumbNail-Object
thumbNail = new Thumbnail(ui->scrollArea);



enter image description here


您创建一个像容器一样工作的小部件,并将标签放入其中。为这个小部件设置布局,我使用了QVBoxLayout。更好的设计是通过子类化 QWidget 来创建自定义小部件,但我只是使用 QFrame 来使示例快速简单。

centralWidget()->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout);
QScrollArea *area = new QScrollArea(this);
area->setWidget(new QWidget);
QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout;

for(int row = 0; row < 2; row++)
    for(int column = 0; column < 5; column++)
        QFrame *container = new QFrame; // this is your widget.. you can also subclass QWidget to make a custom widget.. might be better design
        container->setStyleSheet("QFrame{border: 1px solid black;}"); // just to see the shapes better.. you don't need this
        container->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout); // a layout for your widget.. again, if you subclass QWidget do this in its constructor
        container->layout()->addWidget(new QLabel("TOP")); // the top label.. in your case where you show the icon
        container->layout()->addWidget(new QLabel("BOTTOM")); // the bottom label.. in your case where you show the tag
        grid->addWidget(container, row, column); // add the widget to the grid

关于c++ - QT GridLayout 添加 Stacked QLabel,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26853421/


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