c++ - 如何在 Crypto++ 中使用自定义 key

标签 c++ encryption key crypto++ passphrase

我有一个问题指的是这个问题中的加密代码: Crypto++ encrypt and decrypt in two different c++ programs

如果我想使用自定义 key /iv,我该怎么做?


If I want to use a custom key/iv, how can I do this?

只需将其插入具有模式的密码即可。有很多模式可供选择,但您应该使用经过身份验证的加密模式,如 EAX、CCM 或 GCM。参见 Category:Mode用于讨论 Crypto++ 中的模式。

下面的代码采用密码或 secret ,键入密码,然后对消息进行加密和编码。接下来,它对加密的消息进行解码。最后它会打印一些参数。

try {

    // KDF parameters
    string password = "Super secret password";
    unsigned int iterations = 15000;
    char purpose = 0; // unused by Crypto++

    // 32 bytes of derived material. Used to key the cipher.
    //   16 bytes are for the key, and 16 bytes are for the iv.
    SecByteBlock derived(32);

    // KDF function
    PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC<SHA256> kdf;
    kdf.DeriveKey(derived.data(), derived.size(), purpose, (byte*)password.data(), password.size(), NULL, 0, iterations);

    // Encrypt a secret message
    string plaintext = "Attack at dawn", ciphertext, recovered;

    // Key the cipher
    EAX<AES>::Encryption encryptor;
    encryptor.SetKeyWithIV(derived.data(), 16, derived.data() + 16, 16);

    AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter ef(encryptor, new StringSink(ciphertext));
    ef.Put((byte*)plaintext.data(), plaintext.size());

    // Key the cipher
    EAX<AES>::Decryption decryptor;
    decryptor.SetKeyWithIV(derived.data(), 16, derived.data() + 16, 16);

    AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter df(decryptor, new StringSink(recovered));
    df.Put((byte*)ciphertext.data(), ciphertext.size());

    // Done with encryption and decryption

    // Encode various parameters
    HexEncoder encoder;
    string key, iv, cipher;

    encoder.Detach(new StringSink(key));
    encoder.Put(derived.data(), 16);

    encoder.Detach(new StringSink(iv));
    encoder.Put(derived.data() + 16, 16);

    encoder.Detach(new StringSink(cipher));
    encoder.Put((byte*)ciphertext.data(), ciphertext.size());

    // Print stuff
    cout << "plaintext: " << plaintext << endl;
    cout << "key: " << key << endl;
    cout << "iv: " << iv << endl;
    cout << "ciphertext: " << cipher << endl;
    cout << "recovered: " << recovered << endl;

catch(CryptoPP::Exception& ex)
    cerr << ex.what() << endl;


$ ./cryptopp-test.exe
plaintext: Attack at dawn
key: 7A8C7732898FB687669CB7DBEFBDD789
iv: 0AA980BABE72797E415C9B8979BF30EF
ciphertext: 197D0BD1A12577393AD1B1696B75D0FC6B8A142CF15B5F887AA965CE75F0
recovered: Attack at dawn

更好的是,使用集成加密方案。 Crypto++ 提供了其中两个。第一个是 Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme它在椭圆诅咒的领域运作。第二个是Discrete Logarithm Integrated Encryption Scheme ,它在整数域上运行。

“更好” 有很多不明显的原因,但最重要的是它的 IND-CCA2 .其他更实用的内容包括:您不能重用安全上下文,因为系统内置了正确的使用方法;和填充已被删除,这大大简化了证明并避免了潜在的神谕。该系统还基于 Discrete Logs ,这使它成为一个基于 Diffie-Hellman 的问题,并且据信它在任何地方都是困难的。

关于c++ - 如何在 Crypto++ 中使用自定义 key ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27342535/


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