c++ - 在此示例中,在对类的引用之前使用 * 运算符是什么意思

标签 c++ eclipse

Eclipse IDE 在“无法解析方法‘get’”这一行向我抛出错误。确切的错误信息是

Method 'get' could not be resolved, Location: line xxx, Type: Semantic Error


const TagValue* tagValue = ((*mktDataOptions)[i]).get();

这里出了什么问题?这段代码是作为 API 提供给我的,所以想必其他人以前也用过它。类似的错误在我收到的代码中出现了大约 8 次,我很难相信它有 8 次以相同的方式编码错误。


为什么我的 Eclipse 会针对所有这些实例抛出错误,如何修复?



void EClient::reqMktData(TickerId tickerId, const Contract& contract, 
const std::string& genericTicks, bool snapshot, const TagValueListSPtr& mktDataOptions)
    if( m_serverVersion >= MIN_SERVER_VER_LINKING) {
        std::string mktDataOptionsStr("");
        const int mktDataOptionsCount = mktDataOptions.get() ? mktDataOptions->size() : 0;
                const TagValue* tagValue = ((*mktDataOptions)[i]).get();

其中“TagValueListSPtr”在 header 中定义为

struct TagValue
    TagValue() {}
    TagValue(const std::string& p_tag, const std::string& p_value)
        : tag(p_tag), value(p_value)

    std::string tag;
    std::string value;

typedef shared_ptr<TagValue> TagValueSPtr;
typedef std::vector<TagValueSPtr> TagValueList;
typedef shared_ptr<TagValueList> TagValueListSPtr;


template<typename X> class shared_ptr {

   typedef shared_ptr_defs::Use Use;

   template<typename Y> friend class shared_ptr;

   explicit shared_ptr(X* ptr = 0) : ptr_(ptr) {}

   ~shared_ptr() { if (use_.only()) delete ptr_; }

   template<typename Y>
   shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<Y>& other)
      : ptr_(other.ptr_),

   shared_ptr& operator=(const shared_ptr& other) {
      if ( &use_ == &other.use_ ) { return *this; }
      if ( use_.only() ) { delete ptr_; }
      use_ = other.use_;
      ptr_ = other.ptr_;
      return *this;

   X& operator*()  const { return *ptr_; }
   X* operator->() const { return ptr_; }
   X* get()        const { return ptr_; }
   bool only() const { return use_.only(); }

   void reset(X* ptr = 0) {
      if ( use_.only() ) { delete ptr_; }
      ptr_ = ptr;
      use_ = Use();


   X *ptr_;
   Use use_;


Can someone parse this line for me and explain exactly what it is trying to do?

/* A pointer (to a const qualified TagValue) */
const TagValue*
/* named */ tagValue
/* is initialised to the result of */ = ((
/* dereferencing */ *
/* the shared pointer */ mktDataOptions)
/* which points to a vector */
/* and calling operator[] on it */ [i])
/* which returns the reference to */
/* a shared pointer to a TagValue */
/* whose */ .get();
/* member function is called, returning /*
/* as final result a pointer to a TagValue */


mktDataOptions 是指向 vector 的共享指针,该 vector 包含指向 TagValue 的共享指针。因此,要获得指向 TagValue 的指针,您需要使用 shared_ptr::operator*() 取消引用指向 vector 的指针,选择一个元素(ith) 该 vector 使用它的 std::vector::operator[]()。这是一个指向 TagValue 的共享指针,因此要获取底层指针,应用成员函数 shared_ptr::get()


// using references, otherwise you make copies,
// which changes the meaning of the code.

// Get the vector from the shared pointer
std::vector<shared_ptr<TagValue>> & the_vector = *mktDataOptions;

// get a single element from it
shared_ptr<TagValue> const & the_element = the_vector[i];

// get it's underlying pointer
TagValue * the_pointer = the_element.get();

// it's a pointer to a non const TagValue, which can be
// converted to a pointer to a const TagValue (the type of the variable
// which gets initialised)
TagValue const * tagValue = the_pointer;

Why is my Eclipse throwing an error for all these instances and how can it be fixed?

[...] Is this an Eclipse error I should feel free to ignore? I'd still like to get rid of it.

根据一些研究,它似乎是一个 eclipse 错误,可以通过删除 workspace/.metadata 来解决,但我需要注意我不是 eclipse 用户,所以我无法验证或推荐一些可能的解决方案。



关于c++ - 在此示例中,在对类的引用之前使用 * 运算符是什么意思,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31931171/


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