循环/结构中的 C++ 函数

标签 c++ function loops struct


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int MAXACCOUNTS = 8;
int interest(int Balance, int MAXACCOUNTS);
struct Account
int Number;
double Balance;
int DaysSinceDebited;

int main()

int Accountnumber;
double Balance;
int DaysSinceDebited;
double Total[MAXACCOUNTS] = {};

Account accounts[MAXACCOUNTS];

accounts[0].Number = 1001;
accounts[0].Balance = 4254.40;
accounts[0].DaysSinceDebited = 20;

accounts[1].Number = 7940;
accounts[1].Balance = 270006.25;
accounts[1].DaysSinceDebited = 35;

accounts[2].Number = 4382;
accounts[2].Balance = 123.50;
accounts[2].DaysSinceDebited = 2;

accounts[3].Number = 2651;
accounts[3].Balance = 85326.92;
accounts[3].DaysSinceDebited = 14;

accounts[4].Number = 3020;
accounts[4].Balance = 657.0;
accounts[4].DaysSinceDebited = 5;

accounts[5].Number = 7168;
accounts[5].Balance = 7423.34;
accounts[5].DaysSinceDebited = 360;

accounts[6].Number = 6285;
accounts[6].Balance = 4.99;
accounts[6].DaysSinceDebited = 1;

accounts[7].Number = 9342;
accounts[7].Balance = 107964.44;
accounts[7].DaysSinceDebited = 45;

for (int i = 0; i < MAXACCOUNTS; i++)

if ((accounts[i].Balance > 10000) || (accounts[i].DaysSinceDebited>30))
    Total[i] = accounts[i].Balance * 1.06; //6% interest added
else Total[i] = accounts[i].Balance * 1.03; //3% interest added
cout << accounts[i].Number << " has a balance of " << accounts[i].Balance <<  ". The amount with interest is: " << Total[i] << endl;


这是我需要做的:您必须向您的程序添加一个名为 CalcInterest 的函数。此函数将把一个帐户作为其唯一参数,并返回如第 1 部分所示计算的利息。您的主程序现在应该使用此函数来生成第 1 部分中的显示。


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

 const int MAXACCOUNTS = 8;
 int CalcInterest(Account);
 struct Account { //declare struct outside of main

int Number;
double Balance;
int DaysSinceDebited;


int main()


int AccountNumber[MAXACCOUNTS] = { 1001, 7940, 4382, 2651, 3020, 7168, 6245, 9342 };

double Balance[MAXACCOUNTS] = { 4254.40, 27006.25, 123.50, 85326.92, 657.0, 7423.34, 4.99, 107864.44 };

int DaysSinceDebited[MAXACCOUNTS] = { 20, 35, 2, 14, 5, 360, 1, 45 };
double Total[MAXACCOUNTS] = {};
//add your code here

Account accounts[MAXACCOUNTS];

accounts[0].Number = 1001;
accounts[0].Balance = 4254.40;
accounts[0].DaysSinceDebited = 20;

accounts[1].Number = 7940;
accounts[1].Balance = 270006.25;
accounts[1].DaysSinceDebited = 35;

accounts[2].Number = 4382;
accounts[2].Balance = 123.50;
accounts[2].DaysSinceDebited = 2;

accounts[3].Number = 2651;
accounts[3].Balance = 85326.92;
accounts[3].DaysSinceDebited = 14;

accounts[4].Number = 3020;
accounts[4].Balance = 657.0;
accounts[4].DaysSinceDebited = 5;

accounts[5].Number = 7168;
accounts[5].Balance = 7423.34;
accounts[5].DaysSinceDebited = 360;

accounts[6].Number = 6285;
accounts[6].Balance = 4.99;
accounts[6].DaysSinceDebited = 1;

accounts[7].Number = 9342;
accounts[7].Balance = 107964.44;
accounts[7].DaysSinceDebited = 45;



int CalcInterest(Account) {

for (int i = 0; i < MAXACCOUNTS; i++)

    if ((accounts[i].Balance > 10000) || (accounts[i].DaysSinceDebited > 30))

        Total[i] = accounts[i].Balance * 1.06;
    else Total[i] = accounts[i].Balance * 1.03;
    cout << accounts[i].Number << "has a balance of " << accounts[i].Balance  << ". The amount with interest is : " << Total[i] << endl;
return 0;


这有很多错误,大多数事情变得不确定,例如 .DaysSinceDebited 等请帮助!



您犯的第一个错误是此功能仅适用于单个帐户。因此,您不能在该函数内遍历您的帐户数组,也不能访问 Total。您还对传递参数的语法以及应该返回的数据类型感到困惑。我可以帮你。


double CalcInterest( const Account & account )
    // Do your interest calculation on 'account' here, then return it from the function.
    double interest = 0.0;  //<-- For you to do.
    return interest;


for (int i = 0; i < MAXACCOUNTS; i++)
    // Calculate the interest on the account, then do something with it.
    double interest = CalcInterest( accounts[i] );
    Total[i] = 0.0;  //<-- For you to do.


关于循环/结构中的 C++ 函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32321667/


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