c++ - 类头,字符串不命名类型

标签 c++ class header


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Person
 string alpha;
int beta;

Person(string Name, int Age)
    alpha = Name;
    beta = Age;
string getName()
    return alpha;
int getAge()
    if (beta < 0)
    {   beta = 0;
        cout << "Error. A negative age cannot be entered. " << endl;
    if (beta > 120)
        cout << "Damn you're old. How many heart transplants have you had? You Vampire " << endl;
    return beta;
void setName(string alpha)

void setAge(int beta);
void display();


int main()

Person Lu("Jess ", 22);
Person Rose("Gary ", 49);
cout << Lu.getAge() << "   " << Lu.getName() <<endl;
cout << Rose.getAge() << "   " << Rose.getName() << endl;
return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class Person
   string alpha;
  int beta;

    Person(string Name, int Age)
    alpha = Name;
    beta = Age;
string getName()
    return alpha;
int getAge()
    if (beta < 0)
    {   beta = 0;
        cout << "Error. A negative age cannot be entered. " << endl;
    if (beta > 120)
        cout << "Damn you're old. How many heart transplants have you had? You Vampire " << endl;
    return beta;
void setName(string alpha)

void setAge(int beta);
void display();



#include <iostream>
#include "Person.h"
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main()

Person Lu("Jess ", 22);
cout << Lu.getAge() << "   " << Lu.getName() <<endl;

    return 0;



你忘了把 using namespace std; 放在 Person.h 中。

此外,您在 Person.h 上没有任何 header 保护,这不会在如此简单的程序中引起问题,但一旦多个文件包含 Person.h 就会出现问题。

关于c++ - 类头,字符串不命名类型,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32534323/


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