不持有一个以上账户的 C++ 银行应用程序

标签 c++ arrays multidimensional-array data-structures bank

您好,我一直在开发一个 C++ 银行应用程序,它应该能够在所有相关领域持有多个帐户。我遇到了一些问题:

  • 在 Display 或 ShowInfo 函数中显示帐户信息时,不会显示名字的第一个字母和中间名的首字母。
  • 创建帐户时,只能搜索最近的帐户并将其显示在显示数据中。我知道这需要一个数组才能实现,我只是不确定是否正确实现了这一点。


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class BankAccount{
    double Balance = 0.0;
    char ans;
    public:struct Name{
        char Last_Name[50];
        char First_Name[50];
        char Middle_Initial[5];
    public:struct Account{
        char Type[1];
        int Account_Number;
    void CreateAccount();
    void Withdraw();
    void Deposit();
    void Display();
    void ShowInfo();
    int Menu();


void BankAccount::CreateAccount(){
        cout << "\nEnter account number: ";
        cin >> Account.Account_Number;
        cout << "\nEnter the last name for the account: ";
        cin.getline(Name.Last_Name, 50);
        cout << "\nEnter the first name for the account: ";
        cin.getline(Name.First_Name, 50);
        cout << "\nEnter the Middle initial for the account: ";
        cin.getline(Name.Middle_Initial, 5);
        cout << "\nEnter the type of account (C/S) : ";
        cin >> Account.Type;
        cout << "\nEnter the initial balance of the account: ";
        cin >> Balance;
        cout << "\n\nAccount Created.";
        cout << "\n\nCreate new account? (Y/N) : ";
        cin >> ans;

        while (ans != 'Y' && ans != 'N'){
            cout << "Invalid input. Create new account? (Y/N) : ";
            cin >> ans;
        cout << endl;
    } while (ans != 'N');
void BankAccount::Withdraw(){
    int actNum;
    double amount;
    cout << "Enter the account number for the account that you wish to withdraw funds: ";
    cin >> actNum;
    if (actNum == Account.Account_Number){
        cout << "Enter the amount you would like to withdraw: ";
        cin >> amount;
        Balance = Balance - amount;
    else if (actNum != Account.Account_Number){
        cout << "No account found under that number! Try again!";

void BankAccount::Deposit(){
    int actNum;
    double amount;
    cout << "Enter the account number for the account that you wish to deposit funds: ";
    cin >> actNum;
    if (actNum == Account.Account_Number){
        cout << "Enter the amount you would like to deposit: ";
        cin >> amount;
        Balance = Balance + amount;
    else if (actNum != Account.Account_Number){
        cout << "No account found under that number! Try again!";
void BankAccount::Display(){
    int actNum;
    cout << "Enter the account number for the account that you wish to display account information for: ";
    cin >> actNum;
    if (actNum == Account.Account_Number){
        cout << "Account details for " << Name.First_Name << " " << Name.Middle_Initial << " " << Name.Last_Name << "'s account: " << endl;
        cout << "Account Number: " << Account.Account_Number << endl;
        cout << "Account Type (Checking / Savings): " << Account.Type << endl;
        cout << "Account Balance:  $" << Balance << endl;
    else if (actNum != Account.Account_Number){
        cout << "No account found under that number! Try again!";

void BankAccount::ShowInfo(){
    cout << "Account details for " << Name.First_Name << " " << Name.Middle_Initial << " " << Name.Last_Name << "'s account: " << endl;
    cout << "Account Number: " << Account.Account_Number << endl;
    cout << "Account Type (Checking / Savings): " << Account.Type << endl;
    cout << "Account Balance:  $" << Balance << endl;    


int main(int argc, char *argv){
    BankAccount ob;
    char ch;

    cout << "Welcome to Console Banking Application V 1.0!";
    cout << "\nSelect an item from the list below by entering the corresponding letter.";
        cout << "\n\n A. Create Account \n B. Withdraw \n C. Deposit \n D. Show Account Details \n\n Q. Exit Application\n\n";
        ch = ob.Menu();
        switch (ch){
        case 'A':
        case 'a': ob.CreateAccount();
        case 'B': 
        case 'b': ob.Withdraw();
        case 'C':
        case 'c': ob.Deposit();
        case 'D':
        case 'd': ob.Display();
        case 'Q':
        case 'q': ob.ShowInfo();

    } while (1);
int BankAccount::Menu(){
    char ch;
    cout << "Select an option: ";
    cin >> ch;
    return ch;



如果您查看主函数,您会创建一个且只有一个 BankAccount。您可能会猜到,一个 BankAccount 不能用于表示多个 BankAccount(除了 SoAs)。

因此,您需要一个 BankAccounts 的数组。它是这样的:

BankAccount obs[10];

现在您有 10 个 BankAccounts,不会再多了。因此,每次您想要创建一个新的 BankAccount 时,只需确保您在当前未使用的数组中的 BankAccount 上创建它。

//Make a new account

更进一步,让我们考虑一下您有 10 个 BankAccounts 的事实,只有 10 个。现在这不是很广泛,是吗?什么银行只有 10 个可用账户?可能会在适当的时候倒闭。

天真的解决方案是添加更多。 50、100,甚至 1000。但是您真的要每次都返回并更新该数字吗?这太乏味了。


#include <vector>
std::vector<BankAccount> obs;

这基本上是一个在需要时自动展开的数组。我不会详细介绍如何使用 vector ,因为我相信您自己可以轻松学会这样做。但是,我会把这个 link 留给你这样您就知道可以从哪里开始。

关于不持有一个以上账户的 C++ 银行应用程序,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35643028/


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