c++ - 如何展开堆栈以获取指定堆栈指针(SP)的回溯?

标签 c++ linux android-ndk arm backtrace

我正在为 Android(仅限 ARM)编写此代码,但我相信通用 Linux 的原理也是相同的。

我正在尝试从信号处理程序中捕获堆栈跟踪,以便在我的应用程序崩溃时记录它。这就是我想出的使用 <unwind.h> .

struct sigaction signalhandlerDescriptor;
memset(&signalhandlerDescriptor, 0, sizeof(signalhandlerDescriptor));
signalhandlerDescriptor.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
signalhandlerDescriptor._u._sa_sigaction = signalHandler;
sigaction(SIGSEGV, &signalhandlerDescriptor, 0);


struct BacktraceState
    void** current;
    void** end;
    void* pc;

inline _Unwind_Reason_Code unwindCallback(struct _Unwind_Context* context, void* arg)
    BacktraceState* state = static_cast<BacktraceState*>(arg);
    state->pc = (void*)_Unwind_GetIP(context);
    if (state->pc)
        if (state->current == state->end)
            return _URC_END_OF_STACK;
            *state->current++ = reinterpret_cast<void*>(state->pc);
    return _URC_NO_REASON;

inline size_t captureBacktrace(void** addrs, size_t max, unsigned long pc)
    BacktraceState state = {addrs, addrs + max, (void*)pc};
    _Unwind_Backtrace(unwindCallback, &state);

    return state.current - addrs;

inline void dumpBacktrace(std::ostream& os, void** addrs, size_t count)
    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < count; ++idx) {
        const void* addr = addrs[idx];
        const char* symbol = "";

        Dl_info info;
        if (dladdr(addr, &info) && info.dli_sname) {
            symbol = info.dli_sname;

        int status = -3;
        char * demangledName = abi::__cxa_demangle(symbol, 0, 0, &status);
        os << "#" << idx << ": " << addr << "  " << (status == 0 ? demangledName : symbol) << "\n";

void signalHandler(int sig, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *uctx)
    ucontext * context = (ucontext*)uctx;
    unsigned long PC = context->uc_mcontext.arm_pc;
    unsigned long SP = context->uc_mcontext.arm_sp;

    Logger() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Fatal signal:" << sig;
    const size_t maxNumAddresses = 50;
    void* addresses[maxNumAddresses];
    std::ostringstream oss;

    const size_t actualNumAddresses = captureBacktrace(addresses, maxNumAddresses, PC);
    dumpBacktrace(oss, addresses, actualNumAddresses);
    Logger() << oss.str();

问题:如果我通过调用 _Unwind_GetIP(context) 获得 PC 寄存器在 unwindCallback ,我得到了信号处理程序堆栈的完整跟踪。这是一个单独的堆栈,这显然不是我想要的。所以我尝试提供取自 ucontext 的 PC。在信号处理程序中,得到了一个奇怪的结果:我得到一个堆栈条目,它是正确的条目 - 首先导致信号的函数。但是它被记录了两次(即使地址相同,所以它不是符号名称查找错误)。显然,这还不够好——我需要整个堆栈。而且我想知道这个结果是否仅仅是偶然的(即它通常不应该起作用。

现在,我读到我还需要提供堆栈指针,我显然可以从 ucontext , 与 PC 相同。但我不知道该怎么办。我是否必须手动放松而不是使用 _Unwind_Backtrace ?如果是这样,你能给我示例代码吗?我一直在寻找一天中的大部分时间,但仍然找不到可以复制并粘贴到我的项目中的任何内容。

为了它的值(value),这里是 libunwind包含 _Unwind_Backtrace 的源定义。如果我看到它的来源,我想我可以弄清楚一些事情,但它比我预期的要复杂。


为了获取导致 SIGSEGV 的代码的堆栈跟踪而不是信号处理程序的堆栈跟踪,您必须从 ucontext_t 获取 ARM 寄存器并将它们用于展开。

但是 _Unwind_Backtrace() 很难做到。因此,如果您使用 libc++ (LLVM STL) 并为 32 位 ARM 编译,最好尝试与现代 Android NDK 捆绑的预编译 libunwind(位于 sources/cxx-STL/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libunwind.a)。这是一个示例代码。

// This method can only be used on 32-bit ARM with libc++ (LLVM STL).
// Android NDK r16b contains "libunwind.a" for armeabi-v7a ABI.
// This library is even silently linked in by the ndk-build,
// so we don't have to add it manually in "Android.mk".
// We can use this library, but we need matching headers,
// namely "libunwind.h" and "__libunwind_config.h".
// For NDK r16b, the headers can be fetched here:
// https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/libunwind_llvm/+/ndk-r16/include/
#if _LIBCPP_VERSION && __has_include("libunwind.h")
#include "libunwind.h"

struct BacktraceState {
    const ucontext_t*   signal_ucontext;
    size_t              address_count = 0;
    static const size_t address_count_max = 30;
    uintptr_t           addresses[address_count_max] = {};

    BacktraceState(const ucontext_t* ucontext) : signal_ucontext(ucontext) {}

    bool AddAddress(uintptr_t ip) {
        // No more space in the storage. Fail.
        if (address_count >= address_count_max)
            return false;

        // Reset the Thumb bit, if it is set.
        const uintptr_t thumb_bit = 1;
        ip &= ~thumb_bit;

        // Ignore null addresses.
        if (ip == 0)
            return true;

        // Finally add the address to the storage.
        addresses[address_count++] = ip;
        return true;

void CaptureBacktraceUsingLibUnwind(BacktraceState* state) {

    // Initialize unw_context and unw_cursor.
    unw_context_t unw_context = {};
    unw_cursor_t  unw_cursor = {};
    unw_init_local(&unw_cursor, &unw_context);

    // Get more contexts.
    const ucontext_t* signal_ucontext = state->signal_ucontext;
    const sigcontext* signal_mcontext = &(signal_ucontext->uc_mcontext);

    // Set registers.
    unw_set_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_ARM_R0, signal_mcontext->arm_r0);
    unw_set_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_ARM_R1, signal_mcontext->arm_r1);
    unw_set_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_ARM_R2, signal_mcontext->arm_r2);
    unw_set_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_ARM_R3, signal_mcontext->arm_r3);
    unw_set_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_ARM_R4, signal_mcontext->arm_r4);
    unw_set_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_ARM_R5, signal_mcontext->arm_r5);
    unw_set_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_ARM_R6, signal_mcontext->arm_r6);
    unw_set_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_ARM_R7, signal_mcontext->arm_r7);
    unw_set_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_ARM_R8, signal_mcontext->arm_r8);
    unw_set_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_ARM_R9, signal_mcontext->arm_r9);
    unw_set_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_ARM_R10, signal_mcontext->arm_r10);
    unw_set_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_ARM_R11, signal_mcontext->arm_fp);
    unw_set_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_ARM_R12, signal_mcontext->arm_ip);
    unw_set_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_ARM_R13, signal_mcontext->arm_sp);
    unw_set_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_ARM_R14, signal_mcontext->arm_lr);
    unw_set_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_ARM_R15, signal_mcontext->arm_pc);

    unw_set_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_REG_IP, signal_mcontext->arm_pc);
    unw_set_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_REG_SP, signal_mcontext->arm_sp);

    // unw_step() does not return the first IP.

    // Unwind frames one by one, going up the frame stack.
    while (unw_step(&unw_cursor) > 0) {
        unw_word_t ip = 0;
        unw_get_reg(&unw_cursor, UNW_REG_IP, &ip);

        bool ok = state->AddAddress(ip);
        if (!ok)

void SigActionHandler(int sig, siginfo_t* info, void* ucontext) {
    const ucontext_t* signal_ucontext = (const ucontext_t*)ucontext;

    BacktraceState backtrace_state(signal_ucontext);
    // Do something with the backtrace - print, save to file, etc.

这是一个示例回溯测试应用程序,其中包含 3 种实现的回溯方法,包括上面显示的方法。


关于c++ - 如何展开堆栈以获取指定堆栈指针(SP)的回溯?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29559347/


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