c++ - 将文本文件中的分量 vector 数据读入结构数组 C++

标签 c++ arrays struct

所以我有一个文本文件,其中包含 3 个不同的速度分量,以及与每个速度测量相关的时间戳。 text file can be seen here .


struct cmpnts
   double x, y, z;



int main()
    int numberofpoints; // the number of data points
                        // char arrays for storing the variables names 
    char ch1[128], ch2[128];
    cout << ch1 << endl;

    // Two pointers for creating the dynamic arrays later
    double *itime, *windspeed;

    // create an object for reading a file
    ifstream imyfile;

    // open windspeed.txt

    if (imyfile.is_open()) // check if the file is open 
        // read the total number of data points
        imyfile >> numberofpoints;

        // double arrays for storing time and the velocity variables
        itime = new double[numberofpoints];
        windspeed = new double[numberofpoints];

        // read the two variable names in windspeed.txt file 
        imyfile >> ch1 >> ch2;

        // read the time and wind speed
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i<numberofpoints; i++)
            imyfile >> itime[i] >> windspeed[i];


        // close the file
        cout << "unable to open the file";

虽然我似乎无法让它与我的结构一起工作。我确定我在某个地方用指针犯了一些语法错误(我是 C++ 的新手,所以如果它是愚蠢的,我深表歉意!)。没有指针可以做到这一点吗?我用于读取结构的代码如下所示(显然它不起作用!):

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

struct cmpnts
    double x, y, z;

struct wind
    cmpnts velocity;
    cmpnts direction;
    cmpnts urms;
    double airdensity;

struct turbine
    double R, Cp, V, yaw, power;
    cmpnts direction;

int main()

    // Read data from file
    int numberofpoints;         // the number of data points
    char ch1[128], ch2[128], ch3[128], ch4[128];    // Char arrays for storing the variables names 

    // Pointers for creating the dynamic arrays later
    double *itime;
    cmpnts *uSpeed;
    cmpnts *vSpeed;
    cmpnts *wSpeed;

    // create an object for reading a file
    ifstream imyfile;

    // open windspeed.txt

    if (imyfile.is_open()) // check if the file is open 
        // read the total number of data points
        imyfile >> numberofpoints;

        // double arrays for storing time and the velocity variables
        itime = new double[numberofpoints];
        uSpeed->x = new double[numberofpoints];
        vSpeed->y = new double[numberofpoints];
        wSpeed->z = new double[numberofpoints];

        // read the two variable names in windspeed.txt file 
        imyfile >> ch1 >> ch2 >> ch3 >> ch4;

        // read the time and wind speed
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i<numberofpoints; i++)
            imyfile >> itime[i] >> uSpeed[i] >> vSpeed[i] >> wSpeed[i];


        // close the file
        cout << "unable to open the file";



cmpnts *uSpeed;

这会创建一个变量 uSpeed,它可以保存 cmpnts 的地址内存中的实例。指针并没有真正的魔力,它们只是一个保存数值的变量。该值是某物在内存中的位置,即它的地址。我们将其标记为指针更多是为了尝试避免混淆作为值的变量和作为地址的变量。



uSpeed->x = new double[numberofpoints];


记忆一下:你没有初始化uSpeed .

但是这里还有第二个问题。 cmpnts::x是 double ,但您正在尝试为其分配地址。

    uSpeed->x = new double[numberofpoints];
    vSpeed->y = new double[numberofpoints];
    wSpeed->z = new double[numberofpoints];


    cmpnts* speed = new cmpnts[numberOfPoints];


    imyfile >> itime[i] >> speed[i].x >> speed[i].y >> speed[i].z;

使用指针很难。不要这样做。使用现代 C++。

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

struct Vector  // note upper case for my own class
    double x_, y_, z_;  // the '_' distinguishes a member from a variable

struct SpeedEntry
    int time_;
    Vector vel_;

int main()
    // create an object for reading a file
    std::ifstream imyfile("windspeed.txt");
    if (!imyfile.is_open()) // check if the file is open 
        std::cerr << "unable to open the file";
        return 1;  // non-zero return from main = failure

    // read the total number of data points
    size_t numberOfPoints;
    imyfile >> numberofpoints;
    imyfile.ignore();  // ignore end of line/whitespace

    // for storing time and the velocity variables
    std::vector<SpeedEntry> speeds;

    // read the two variable names in windspeed.txt file
    // we're ignoring these values so...
    std::string vars[4];
    imyfile >> vars[0] >> vars[1] >> vars[2] >> vars[3];
    std::cout << "vars are " << vars[0] << ", " << vars[1] << ", " << vars[2] << ", " << vars[3] << "\n";

    // Now read each of the lines
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; ++i)
        SpeedEntry entry;
        if (!(imyfile >> entry.time_ >> entry.vel_.x_ >> entry.vel_.y_ >> entry.vel_.z_)) {
            std::cerr << "Error reading entry #" << (i+1) << "\n";
            return 2;

    std::cout << "Read " << speeds.size() << " entries\n";

    // c++11 range-based loop
    for (auto&& entry : speeds)
        std::cout << "Read: " << entry.time_ << " : "
                   << entry.vel_.x_ << ',' << entry.vel_.y << ',' << entry.vel.z_
                   << '\n';
}  // file closes automatically when `imyfile` goes out of scope

进一步阅读:std::vector , std::string ,

或者利用 operator<< 的版本和 operator>> :

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

struct Vector  // note upper case for my own class
    double x_, y_, z_;  // the '_' distinguishes a member from a variable

// implement input and output operators for Vec
std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& in, Vector& vec)
    return in >> vec.x_ >> vec.y_ >> vec.z_;
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const Vector& vec)
    return out << vec.x_ << ' ' << vec.y_ << ' ' << vec.z;

struct SpeedEntry
    int time_;
    Vector vel_;

// implement input and output operators for SpeedEntry
std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& in, SpeedEntry& entry)
    return in >> entry.time_ >> entry.vel_;

std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const Vector& vec)
    return out << entry.time_ << ' ' << entry.vel_;

int main()
    std::ifstream imyfile("windspeed.txt");
    if (!imyfile.is_open()) // check if the file is open 
        std::cerr << "unable to open the file";
        return 1;  // non-zero return from main = failure

    // read the total number of data points
    size_t numberOfPoints;
    imyfile >> numberofpoints;
    imyfile.ignore();  // ignore end of line/whitespace

    // read the two variable names in windspeed.txt file
    // we're ignoring these values so...
    std::string vars[4];
    imyfile >> vars[0] >> vars[1] >> vars[2] >> vars[3];
    std::cout << "vars are " << vars[0] << ", " << vars[1] << ", " << vars[2] << ", " << vars[3] << "\n";

    // for storing time and the velocity variables
    std::vector<SpeedEntry> speeds;

    // Now read each of the lines
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; ++i)
        SpeedEntry entry;
        if (!(imyfile >> entry)) {
            std::cerr << "Error reading entry #" << (i+1) << "\n";
            return 2;

    std::cout << "Read " << speeds.size() << " entries\n";

    // c++11 range-based loop
    for (auto&& entry : speeds)
        std::cout << "Read: " << entry << '\n';
}  // imyfile closes automatically when it goes out of scope

--- 编辑---

A std::vector几乎可以包含任何类型,因此您甚至可以构建复合 vector :

std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> stringvecs;


std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> stringvecs;

// allocates 5 empty std::vector<strings> in stringvecs

// push "hello world" onto the first entry

此时,stringvecs 看起来像这样:

stringvecs {
   [0] : std::vector of std::string containing { "hello" },
   [1] : empty std::vector of std::string
   [2] :  ""        ""     ""      ""
   [3] :  ""        ""     ""      ""
   [4] :  ""        ""     ""      ""


std::cout << stringvecs[0][0] << "\n";


stringvecs is of type std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>
if stringvecs.empty() == false
  stringvecs[0] is of type std::vector<std::string> (returned by reference)
  if stringvecs.empty() == false && stringvecs[0].empty() == false
    stringvecs[0][0] is of type std::string (returned by reference)

当您使用结构 vector 时:

struct T {
    int i_;
    bool b_;
    std::string s_;
std::vector<T> ts;

您首先需要访问 vector 中 T 的一个实例,以便能够访问它的成员:

ts.emplace_back(1, false, "first");  // creates a T with these values
ts.emplace_back(2, true, "seconds");

std::cout << ts[0].s_ << "\n";  // access member "s_" of the first entry
std::cout << ts[1].i_ << "\n";  // prints 2, array indexes are 0-based

我在这里找到了一个我曾为某人使用过的 vector 沙箱:http://ideone.com/HERvy1

遍历代码并将其与输出匹配。您还可以在此处找到有关 std::vector 的更多信息:http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/vector

关于c++ - 将文本文件中的分量 vector 数据读入结构数组 C++,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39629714/


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