c++ - 传递不同的函数作为参数

标签 c++ templates


template<class K, class Compare>
class findMax {
    K* keyArray; // Supposed to be an array of K.
    int size;

      findMax (K n, Compare init); // Here I would like to initialize the array.
      ~findMax ();

      K& Find(K key, Compare cmp); // Return an elemnt in the array according to a condition.
      void printArray(Compare print); // Print the array according to a condition.


我想要每个 cmp当我实现构造函数时,函数会有所不同,FindprintArray .

template<class K, class Compare>
findMax<K, Compare>::findMax(int n, Compare init) {
    keyArray = new K [n];
    init(keyArray, n);


// Init will initialize the array to 0.
void init (int* array, int n) {
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
        array[i] = 0;

不过,我希望能够将不同的函数发送到 Find例如,在两个元素之间进行比较。我无法弄清楚如何,因为当我创建一个新的 findMax 时对象,例如 findMax<int, UNKNOWN> f ,我用什么代替 UNKNOWN ?



#include <iostream>
#include <functional> 
using namespace std;

template<class K, class Compare>
class findMax {
    K* keyArray; // Supposed to be an array of K.
    int size;

      findMax (K n, Compare init){init();}; // Here I would like to initialize the array.
      ~findMax (){};
    template<typename Compare1>
      K& Find(K key, Compare1 cmp){ cmp();}; // Return an elemnt in the array according to a condition.
      template<typename Compare2>
      void printArray(Compare2 print){print();}; // Print the array according to a condition.

int main() {
    findMax<int,std::function<void()>> a{5,[](){cout<<"constructor"<<endl;}};
    return 0;

关于c++ - 传递不同的函数作为参数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41361615/


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