c++ - g++ 不链接第三方库

标签 c++ macos sdl

我正在尝试使用 SDL 和 C++ 制作游戏。

到目前为止,我还不能对此做任何事情。我遵循了 Mac 的所有说明(我有一个 Mac v. 10.12.2)和 g++ on http://www.lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/01_hello_SDL/index.php .

现在,我遇到链接器错误,提示无法找到 -l(小写 L)选项指定的库。这是我的 Makefile:

CC = g++
CFLAGS = -g -Wall -std=c++11

SDL_PATH = /Users/myname/Documents/Code-Libraries/SDL2-2.0.5
SDL_LIB = -L$(SDL_PATH) -l/usr/local/lib/libSDL2.a

default: SDL01 

SDL01: 01_hello_SDL.cpp
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) 01_hello_SDL.cpp $(SDL_LIB) $(SDL_INCLUDE) -o SDL01

    rm -f SDL01 *.o

我试过 -lSDL2。我试过-lSDL。我试过-l/usr/local/lib/libSDL2.a。我只尝试了 -L 选项(没有 -l 选项),用各种方式编写/Users/myname/Documents/Code-Libraries/SDL2-2.0.5 和这个(/Users/myname/Documents/Code-Libraries/SDL2-2.0.5) 给了我...

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_SDL_CreateWindow", referenced from:
      _main in 01_hello_SDL-f65b5c.o
  "_SDL_Delay", referenced from:
      _main in 01_hello_SDL-f65b5c.o
  "_SDL_DestroyWindow", referenced from:
      _main in 01_hello_SDL-f65b5c.o
  "_SDL_FillRect", referenced from:
      _main in 01_hello_SDL-f65b5c.o
  "_SDL_GetError", referenced from:
      _main in 01_hello_SDL-f65b5c.o
  "_SDL_GetWindowSurface", referenced from:
      _main in 01_hello_SDL-f65b5c.o
  "_SDL_Init", referenced from:
      _main in 01_hello_SDL-f65b5c.o
  "_SDL_MapRGB", referenced from:
      _main in 01_hello_SDL-f65b5c.o
  "_SDL_Quit", referenced from:
      _main in 01_hello_SDL-f65b5c.o
  "_SDL_UpdateWindowSurface", referenced from:
      _main in 01_hello_SDL-f65b5c.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [SDL01] Error 1

...而其他人告诉我他们找不到该项目的 header 。我真的迷路了,真的很想得到一些帮助。谢谢。

编辑 1:

我做了 nm/usr/local/lib/libSDL2.a | grep _SDL_CreateWindow 并得到

0000000000001cb0 T _SDL_CreateWindow
0000000000000f80 T _SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer
0000000000007620 t _SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer_DEFAULT
                 U _SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer_REAL
0000000000001cc0 T _SDL_CreateWindowFrom
0000000000009e80 t _SDL_CreateWindowFrom_DEFAULT
                 U _SDL_CreateWindowFrom_REAL
0000000000009e30 t _SDL_CreateWindow_DEFAULT
                 U _SDL_CreateWindow_REAL
0000000000000060 T _SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer_REAL
                 U _SDL_CreateWindow_REAL
                 U _SDL_CreateWindow_REAL
00000000000030a0 T _SDL_CreateWindowFrom_REAL
0000000000000760 t _SDL_CreateWindowTexture
0000000000002010 T _SDL_CreateWindow_REAL
                 U _SDL_CreateWindow_REAL

编辑 2:

这些是 ~/Documents/Code-Libraries/SDL2-2.0.5/目录中的文件/目录:

Android.mk                SDL2.spec.in              cmake_uninstall.cmake.in
BUGS.txt                  TODO.txt                  configure
CMakeLists.txt            VisualC/                  configure.in
COPYING.txt               VisualC-WinRT/            debian/
CREDITS.txt               VisualC.html              docs/
INSTALL.txt               WhatsNew.txt              include/
Makefile.in               Xcode/                    sdl2-config.cmake.in
Makefile.minimal          Xcode-iOS/                sdl2-config.in
Makefile.pandora          acinclude/                sdl2.m4
Makefile.psp              android-project/          sdl2.pc.in
Makefile.wiz              autogen.sh                src/
README-SDL.txt            build/                    test/
README.txt                build-scripts/            
SDL2.spec                 cmake/                    


好吧,多亏了@JohnZwinck,我才能够弄清楚我做错了什么。当告诉编译器 g++ 第三方库在哪里时,我给了它错误的位置 (-L/Users/myname/Documents/Code-Libraries/SDL2-2.0.5) 和一个对它毫无意义的名字 (-lSDL2)。所以我做了一些进一步的阅读,这里有一些来自 https://linux.die.net/man/1/g++ 的重要引述。 :

You can mix options and other arguments. For the most part, the order you use doesn't matter. Order does matter when you use several options of the same kind; for example, if you specify -L more than once, the directories are searched in the order specified. Also, the placement of the -l option is significant.

Linker Options

object-file-name -llibrary -nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs -nostdlib -pie -rdynamic -s -static -static-libgcc -shared -shared-libgcc -symbolic -T script -Wl,option -Xlinker option -u symbol

Directory Options

-Bprefix -Idir -iquotedir -Ldir -specs=file -I- --sysroot=dir

所以基本上,-Ldirectory 需要在 -llibrary 之前,因为 -L 选项告诉 g++ 在哪里寻找库,然后 - l 选项说明它是什么库。如果 -l 之前没有 -L,g++ 不知道从哪里寻找 -l 的库。


关于c++ - g++ 不链接第三方库,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42047749/


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