c++ - 具有 4 个 6 位成员的结构的 sizeof

标签 c++ struct bit sizeof



#include <iostream>
struct S {
    unsigned char a:6, b:6, c:6, d:6;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    std::cout << sizeof(S);
    return 0;

返回 4?它的大小不应该是 4 x 6 = 24b = 3B 吗?相反,这段代码:

struct S { unsigned char a:4, b:4, c:4, d:4; };

返回一个 2,而这个:

struct S { unsigned char a:4, b:4, c:4, d:4, e:4, f:4; };

返回一个 3...


来自 CppReference: Bit Fields :

The following properties of bit fields are implementation-defined:

  • [...]
  • Everything about the actual allocation details of bit fields within the class object

    • For example, on some platforms, bit fields don't straddle bytes, on others they do


So, even though the compiler calculates the other 2 without padding, it adds padding the first one?



关于c++ - 具有 4 个 6 位成员的结构的 sizeof,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47224626/


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