C++ 转换为同一个类

标签 c++ casting operator-overloading


template<typename T, int L, int H>
class Array{
        // stuff ...

        operator Array<T, int lb, int hb>& () {
            auto converted = Array<T, lb, hb>;
            converted.actualArray = actualArray;
            converted.offset = lb;
            return *converted;
        T actualArray[H - L + 1];
        int offset = 0 - L;

如您所见,该类需要转换为自身。正如您可能还看到的那样,我是 C++ 的菜鸟,因为我收到的错误似乎是一个语法错误:

wrong number of template arguments (2, should be 3)
operator Array<T, int lb, int hb>& () {

'<expression error>' does not name a type
operator Array<T, int lb, int hb>& () {




即使您可以正确获取模板参数,它仍然无法工作,因为您无法将原始数组分配给另一个原始数组。您需要改为复制元素,例如使用 std:copy()std::copy_n()


#include <algorithm>

template<typename T, size_t L, size_t H>
class Array
    static_assert(H >= L);
    static const size_t Low = L;
    static const size_t High = H;
    static const size_t Length = (H - L + 1);

    // stuff ...

    template<size_t Lb, size_t Hb>
    operator Array<T, Lb, Hb>() const
        static_assert(Length == Array<T, Lb, Hb>::Length);
        Array<T, Lb, Hb> converted;
        std::copy_n(actualArray, Length, converted.actualArray);
        return converted;

    // just to show that you don't need an offset member...

    T& operator[](size_t idx)
        return actualArray[idx - L];

    T operator[](size_t idx) const
        return actualArray[idx - L];

    template<typename, size_t, size_t>
    friend class Array;

    T actualArray[Length];

Live Demo


#include <algorithm>

template<typename T, size_t L, size_t H>
class Array
    static_assert(H >= L);
    static const size_t Low = L;
    static const size_t High = H;
    static const size_t Length = (H - L + 1);

    // stuff ...

    Array() = default;

    template<size_t Lb, size_t Hb>
    Array(const Array<T, Lb, Hb> &src)
        static_assert(Length == Array<T, Lb, Hb>::Length);
        std::copy_n(src.actualArray, Length, actualArray);

    // just to show that you don't need an offset member...

    T& operator[](size_t idx)
        return actualArray[idx - L];

    T operator[](size_t idx) const
        return actualArray[idx - L];

    template<typename, size_t, size_t>
    friend class Array;

    T actualArray[Length];

Live Demo

关于C++ 转换为同一个类,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51033098/


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