c++ - 尝试输入结构 vector 内的结构成员会导致段错误

标签 c++ vector struct segmentation-fault

我正在做一个项目,我正在为一家假餐厅编写自动计费系统。该程序应该获取包含菜单的文本文件,将其放入数组或结构 vector 中,显示菜单,让客户订购,并打印收据。 我正在为菜单使用结构的全局 vector 。



#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
//there is more code to this program, but the fault occurs very soon in the program
//and none of the rest of the code has any relevance.
//also, I don't really think that the problem is with trying to input, but I don't have enough experience to rule it out.
using namespace std;

struct menuItemType
  string menuItem; //this is the name of the item
  double menuPrice; // this is the price of the item
  int menuCount;

vector<menuItemType> menuList; //the menu can be any size so I don't know how big it will be at this point. I'm using a vector to avoid having to declare a size
// I also have 2 other functions and some extra code in main that all need to access this vector. That is why I made it global

void getData() //this function opens the text file containing the menu and tries to read in each line.
    ifstream input;

    int i = 0;
    string item;
    double price;

        getline(input,menuList[i].menuItem); //This is the line creating the fault.
        input >> menuList[i].menuPrice;

int main()
    return 0;


我已尝试调试并确定段错误并非特定于代码片段中注释的行。每当我尝试输入 vector 中的结构成员时,似乎都会发生错误。我也尝试过使用 cin,所以我不认为文本文件流是问题所在。 文本文件如下所示:

培根和鸡蛋 1.00 松饼 0.50 咖啡 0.90

具体来说,我的问题是:为什么尝试输入 vector 中的结构成员会导致段错误,我该如何解决。

对于冗长的解释和笨拙的格式,我们深表歉意。我对堆栈溢出和 C++ 都很陌生。


从文件中检索数据时;我倾向于检索单行的内容并将其存储到某个字符串、流或缓冲区并稍后解析它,或者我将检索文件的全部内容并执行相同的操作。我发现从文件中提取数据并关闭其句柄后,解析字符串会更容易。我不喜欢使用非 CONST 的全局变量。此外,从文件 while( file.eof() )while ( !file.eof() ) 读取时使用 for 循环的方式也是不好的做法,以后可能会导致许多错误、崩溃和麻烦。如果您在下面查看我的函数,它所做的就是获取一个文件名并尝试打开它(如果存在)。一旦打开,它就会得到一行,将其保存到一个字符串中,并将该字符串插入一个 vector 中,直到没有其他内容可读为止。然后它关闭文件句柄并返回。这符合函数具有单一职责的概念。


#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <exception>

struct MenuItem {
  string menuItem; 
  double menuPrice; 
  int menuCount;

// This function is not used in this case but is a very helpful function
// for splitting a string into a vector of strings based on a common delimiter
// This is handy when parsing CSV files {Comma Separated Values}.
std::vector<std::string> splitString( const std::string& s, char delimiter ) {
    std::vector<std::string> tokens;
    std::string token;
    std::istringstream tokenStream( s );
    while( std::getline( tokenStream, token, delimiter ) ) {
        tokens.push_back( token );

    return tokens;

void getDataFromFile( const char* filename, std::vector<std::string>& output ) {
    std::ifstream file( filename );
    if( !file ) {
        std::stringstream stream;
        stream << "failed to open file " << filename << '\n';
        throw std::runtime_error( stream.str() );

    std::string line;
    while( std::getline( file, line ) ) {
        if ( line.size() > 0 ) 
            output.push_back( line );

void parseFileData( const std::vector<std::string>& fileContents, std::vector<MenuItem> menuItems ) {
    // The first param is the contents of the file where each line
    // from the file is stored as a string and pushed into a vector.

    // Here you need to parse this data. The second parameter is the
    // vector of menu items that is being passed by reference.

    // You can not modify the fileContents directly as it is const and read only
    // however the menuItems is passed by reference only so you can update that

    // This is where you will need to go through some kind of loop and get string
    // of text that will stored in your MenuItem::menuItem variable.
    // then the next string will have your price. Here you showed that your
    // text file has `$` in front of the value. You will then have to strip this out 
    // leaving you with just the value itself. 
    // Then you can use `std::stod( stringValue ) to convert to value, 
    // then you can save that to MenuTiem::menuPrice variable.

    // After you have the values you need then you can push back this temp MenuItem
    // Into the vector of MenuItems that was passed in. This is one iteration of
    // your loop. You continue this until you are done traversing through the fileContents vector.

    // This function I'll leave for you to try and write.        

int main() {
    try {
        std::vector<std::string> fileConents;
        getDataFromFile( "test.txt", fileConents );
        std::vector<MenuItem> data; // here is the menu list from your example
        generateVectors( fileConents, data );

        // test to see if info is correct
        for( auto& d : data ) {
            std::cout << data.menuItem << " " << data.menuPrice << '\n';

    } catch( const std::runtime_error& e ) {
        std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

至于您的错误或崩溃,您可能正在访问超过 vector 末尾的索引,或者您正在尝试使用包含无效数据的 vector 中的内容。

关于c++ - 尝试输入结构 vector 内的结构成员会导致段错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53227832/


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