c++ - 混合抗锯齿圆圈

标签 c++ graphics rendering cocos2d-x antialiasing

我已经实现了 Xiaolin Wu 算法来绘制一个抗锯齿圆。它有效。但是,在我的应用程序中,我可以在屏幕上绘制许多圆圈,但它们没有完全不透明。所以,我想混合它们。在实现抗锯齿 Xiaolin Wu 算法之前,我的混合方法奏效了。我使用非常简单的混合:

int blendColors(int a, int b, float t) {
    double s = sqrt((1 - t) * a * a + t * b * b);
    return s;

void setPixel(int index, int r, int g, int b, int a, unsigned char* data) {

    int oldR = data[index];
    int oldG = data[index + 1];
    int oldB = data[index + 2];
    int oldA = data[index + 3];

    int newA = min((int) (oldA + a * 0.25f), 255);
    int newR = blendColors(oldR, r, 0.5f);
    int newG = blendColors(oldG, g, 0.5f);
    int newB = blendColors(oldB, b, 0.5f);

    data[index] = newR;
    data[index + 1] = newG;
    data[index + 2] = newB;
    data[index + 3] = newA;


Alpha 混合就像变暗一样工作。


enter image description here


enter image description here

如您所见,缺少抗锯齿功能。那是因为不透明背景已经有 255 的不透明度。所以混合算法有问题。当背景不透明时,我必须找到另一种混合颜色的方法。我该怎么做?


void drawFilledCircle(int x, int y, int startRadius, int endRadius, int r, int g, int b, int a, unsigned char* data, unsigned char* areasData, int startAngle, int endAngle, bool blendColor) {
    assert(startAngle <= endAngle);
    assert(startRadius <= endRadius);

    dfBufferCounter = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < DRAW_FILLED_CIRCLE_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
        drawFilledCircleBuffer[i] = -1;

    for(int cradius = endRadius; cradius >= startRadius; cradius--) {
        bool last = cradius == endRadius;
        bool first = cradius == startRadius && cradius != 0;

        float radiusX = cradius;
        float radiusY = cradius;
        float radiusX2 = radiusX * radiusX;
        float radiusY2 = radiusY * radiusY;

        float maxTransparency = 127;

        float quarter = roundf(radiusX2 / sqrtf(radiusX2 + radiusY2));
        for(float _x = 0; _x <= quarter; _x++) {
            float _y = radiusY * sqrtf(1 - _x * _x / radiusX2);
            float error = _y - floorf(_y);

            float transparency = roundf(error * maxTransparency);
            int alpha = last ? transparency : maxTransparency;
            int alpha2 = first ? maxTransparency - transparency : maxTransparency;

            setPixel4(x, y, _x, floorf(_y), r, g, b, alpha, cradius, endRadius, data, areasData, blendColor);
            setPixel4(x, y, _x, floorf(_y) - 1, r, g, b, alpha2, cradius, endRadius, data, areasData, blendColor);

        quarter = roundf(radiusY2 / sqrtf(radiusX2 + radiusY2));
        for(float _y = 0; _y <= quarter; _y++) {
            float _x = radiusX * sqrtf(1 - _y * _y / radiusY2);
            float error = _x - floorf(_x);

            float transparency = roundf(error * maxTransparency);
            int alpha = last ? transparency : maxTransparency;
            int alpha2 = first ? maxTransparency - transparency : maxTransparency;

            setPixel4(x, y, floorf(_x), _y, r, g, b, alpha, cradius, endRadius, data, areasData, blendColor);
            setPixel4(x, y, floorf(_x) - 1, _y, r, g, b, alpha2, cradius, endRadius, data, areasData, blendColor);

void setPixel4(int x, int y, int deltaX, int deltaY, int r, int g, int b, int a, int radius, int maxRadius, unsigned char* data, unsigned char* areasData, bool blendColor) {

    for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {

        int px, py;
        if(j == 0) {
            px = x + deltaX;
            py = y + deltaY;
        } else if(j == 1) {
            px = x - deltaX;
            py = y + deltaY;
        } else if(j == 2) {
            px = x + deltaX;
            py = y - deltaY;
        } else if(j == 3) {
            px = x - deltaX;
            py = y - deltaY;

        int index = (px + (img->getHeight() - py - 1) * img->getWidth()) * 4;

        bool alreadyInBuffer = false;
        for(int i = 0; i < dfBufferCounter; i++) {
            if(i >= DRAW_FILLED_CIRCLE_BUFFER_SIZE) break;
            if(drawFilledCircleBuffer[i] == index) {
                alreadyInBuffer = true;

        if(!alreadyInBuffer) {
            if(dfBufferCounter < DRAW_FILLED_CIRCLE_BUFFER_SIZE) {
                drawFilledCircleBuffer[dfBufferCounter++] = index;

            setPixelWithCheckingArea(px, py, r, g, b, a, data, areasData, blendColor);



首先,alpha blending线性,因此blendColors 不正确。

混合像素时,您还必须考虑叠加层颜色的 alpha channel 。

假设以下的 (RGB, A) 值为:

  • 当前像素 - (b, 255)(即不透明)
  • 叠加颜色 - (c, a)
  • 输出像素 - (d, 255)

混合方程为 d = [ c * a + b * (255 - a) ]/255


int blendColorAlpha(int c, int b, int a) {
    return (c * a + b * (255 - a)) / 255;

int newA = 255; // always set the new alpha to 100%
int newR = blendColors(r, oldR, a);
int newG = blendColors(g, oldG, a);
int newB = blendColors(b, oldB, a);

在非不透明背景的情况下,混合方程稍微复杂一些;特别是,在混合不正确时简单地使用最小 alpha。

(有关推导,请参阅 my answer here。)


struct rgba { unsigned char r, g, b, a; };

rgba blendRGBA(rgba x, rgba y)
    int s = (int)(x.a), t = (int)(y.a);
    int u = 255*255 - (255-s)*(255-t);
    rgba z;
    z.a = u / 255;
    z.r = (255*t*y.r + (255-t)*s*x.r) / u;
    z.g = (255*t*y.g + (255-t)*s*x.g) / u;
    z.b = (255*t*y.b + (255-t)*s*x.b) / u;
    return z;


rgba inpC = { r, g, b, a };

rgba* pixel = (rgba*)(&data[index]);
*pixel = blendRGBA(*pixel, inpC);

关于c++ - 混合抗锯齿圆圈,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54692947/


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