c++ - CV4.1 : Failed Assertion in function detectAndCompute level>=0

标签 c++ opencv assert feature-tracking

我目前正在研究一个使用 ORB 的小算法。它必须在某个时候重新计算关键点和描述符,因为它们的位置和大小发生了变化。但是,调用带有“useExistingKepoints”标志的 detectAndCompute 会在断言“level >= 0”时失败。我很困惑,因为关键点或描述符中没有称为“级别”的属性。我的问题是究竟是什么导致断言失败以及如何避免这种情况?



//Create Rect2d with data from the keypoint. 
//Orientation and octave don't need to be saved, since  the object gets reused
//kp: KeyPoint
Rect2d(round(kp.pt.x - kp.size / 2), round(kp.pt.y - kp.size / 2)
       round(kp.size), round(kp.size)));

BoundingBox2Keypoint(此方法的结果被传递给导致问题的 ORB)

//obtain previous kp object and update it accordingly
//kp: KeyPoint;   rect: Rect2d
kp->size = int(round(max(rect->height,rect->width)));
kp->octave = int(round(size2Octave(kp->size, patchsize, scale)));
kp->pt = Point2f(int(round(rect->x-(rect->width/2))),


//Uses keypoint size and some ORB parameters to compute the octave 
//the keypoint would have
//size: Keypoint Size;   patchsize: size of keypoints at octave 0;
//scale: stepsize to next octave
//returns fraction if Keypoint size is not multiple of patchsize


正如您在 source code 中看到的那样:

 level = keypoints[i].octave;
 CV_Assert(level >= 0);


关于c++ - CV4.1 : Failed Assertion in function detectAndCompute level>=0,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57053377/


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