c++ - 在大整数数组中查找子数组

标签 c++ arrays find

我想使用 C++ 在我的嵌入式 CPU 上计算任务堆栈的高水位线。 不幸的是,操作系统不提供这样的方法。

任务堆栈本身是一个整数数组。 unsed 堆栈包含 0xCDCDCDCD 作为值。由于 0xCDCDCDCD 可能是一个有效值,我想找到重复 4 次的终止序列的第一次出现。

所以我在一个大的 int 数组中搜索一个 int (sub) 数组。 由于我必须暂停任务,因此这种方法应该非常有效。


#define STACK_DEFAULT_VALUE 0xCDCDCDCD          ///< marking for an empty stack element
#define N_EMPTY_SUCCESSORS  4                   ///< Min number of succeedeing stack elements before we assume we found the high watermark

int Get_Task_Stack_High_Watermark(const int* const pStack, const int stack_size)
    int res = 0;
    for(int i = 0;i<stack_size;i++)
        if(*(pStack[i] != STACK_DEFAULT_VALUE))
            //this part of the stack was allready in use

        bool res = true;

        //we found a stack mark => check if the next stack elements are unused as well
        for(int j = i; j<i+N_EMPTY_SUCCESSORS; j++)
            if(j>= stack_size)
                //we reached the end of the stsck!
                return 0;

            if(*(pStack[j] != STACK_DEFAULT_VALUE))
                //this is not the end of the stack
                res = false;


            //this is the end of the (used) stack
            //calculate remaining stack size
            res = stack_size - i;

    return res;






#define STACK_DEFAULT_VALUE 0xCDCDCDCD          ///< marking for an empty stack element
#define N_EMPTY_SUCCESSORS  4                   ///< Min number of succeedeing stack elements before we assume we found the high watermark

int Get_Task_Stack_High_Watermark(const int* const pStack, const int stack_size)
    int consecutiveEmpties = 0;

    for(int i = 0;i < stack_size; i++)
        if(pStack[i] == STACK_DEFAULT_VALUE)

            if(consecutiveEmpties == N_EMPTY_SUCCESSORS)
                return i - 4;
            consecutiveEmpties = 0;

    return stack_size;


int Get_Task_Stack_High_Watermark_2(const int* const pStack, const int stack_size)
    int consecutiveEmpties = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < stack_size; i++)
        if ((consecutiveEmpties = (consecutiveEmpties + 1) * (pStack[i] == STACK_DEFAULT_VALUE)) == N_EMPTY_SUCCESSORS)
            return i - 4;

    return stack_size;

第二个版本快一点(visual studio with release mode)

关于c++ - 在大整数数组中查找子数组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58749594/


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