c++ - 通过重载 operator+ C++ 添加两个不同的对象

标签 c++

我一直在尝试弄清楚如何将对象 A 的私有(private)成员添加到对象 B 的私有(private)成员。

Cat 和 Dog 类都继承自基类 Animal。我有一个第三类“MyClass”,我想继承 Cat 和 Dog 类的私有(private)成员。所以在 MyClass 中,我有一个友元函数来重载 + 运算符。友元函数定义如下:

MyClass operator+(const Dog &dObj, const Cat &cObj);

我想在上面的函数中访问 dObj.age 和 cObj.age,在 main 中通过这个语句调用:

mObj = dObj + cObj;


   #include <iostream>
   #include <vld.h>

   using namespace std;

   class Animal
   public :
    Animal() {};
    virtual void eat()  = 0 {};
    virtual void walk() = 0 {};

   class Dog : public Animal
   public :
    Dog(const char * name, const char * gender, int age);
    Dog() : name(NULL), gender(NULL), age(0) {};
    virtual ~Dog();
    void eat();
    void bark();
    void walk();

   private :
    char * name;
    char * gender;
    int age;

   class Cat : public Animal
   public :
    Cat(const char * name, const char * gender, int age);
    Cat() : name(NULL), gender(NULL), age(0) {};
    virtual ~Cat();
    void eat();
    void meow();
    void walk();
   private :
    char * name;
    char * gender;
    int age;

   class MyClass : private Cat, private Dog
   public :
    MyClass() : action(NULL) {};
    void setInstance(Animal &newInstance);
    void doSomething();

    friend MyClass operator+(const Dog &dObj, const Cat &cObj);

   private :
    Animal * action;

   Cat::Cat(const char * name, const char * gender, int age) : 
     name(new char[strlen(name)+1]), gender(new char[strlen(gender)+1]), age(age)
    if (name)
     size_t length = strlen(name) +1;
     strcpy_s(this->name, length, name);
    else name = NULL;
    if (gender)
     size_t length = strlen(gender) +1;
     strcpy_s(this->gender, length, gender);
    else gender = NULL;
    if (age)
     this->age = age;
    delete name;
    delete gender;
    age = 0;
   void Cat::walk()
    cout << name << " is walking now.. " << endl;
   void Cat::eat()
    cout << name << " is eating now.. " << endl;
   void Cat::meow()
    cout << name << " says meow.. " << endl;
   Dog::Dog(const char * name, const char * gender, int age) : 
     name(new char[strlen(name)+1]), gender(new char[strlen(gender)+1]), age(age)
    if (name)
     size_t length = strlen(name) +1;
     strcpy_s(this->name, length, name);
    else name = NULL;
    if (gender)
     size_t length = strlen(gender) +1;
     strcpy_s(this->gender, length, gender);
    else gender = NULL;
    if (age)
     this->age = age;
    delete name;
    delete gender;
    age = 0;
   void Dog::eat()
    cout << name << " is eating now.. " << endl;
   void Dog::bark()
    cout << name << " says woof.. " << endl;
   void Dog::walk()
    cout << name << " is walking now.." << endl;

   void MyClass::setInstance(Animal &newInstance)
    action = &newInstance;
   void MyClass::doSomething()

   MyClass operator+(const Dog &dObj, const Cat &cObj)
    MyClass A;
    return A; 

   int main()
    MyClass mObj;
    Dog dObj("B", "Male", 4);
    Cat cObj("C", "Female", 5);

    mObj.setInstance(dObj); // set the instance specific to the object.
    mObj.doSomething();  // something happens based on which object is passed in


    mObj = dObj + cObj;

    return 0;


如果你想访问 Dog 的私有(private)成员,那么你的运算符(operator)必须是 Dog 的友元,而不仅仅是 Dog 的某个派生类的友元。

关于c++ - 通过重载 operator+ C++ 添加两个不同的对象,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2603576/


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