c++ - 同步 : Display a transparent screen over another screen

标签 c++ mobile-phones

我正在使用 Mosync API C++ 进行跨平台移动开发。我正在尝试让一个透明屏幕(里面确实有一个不透明的标签)在另一个屏幕上显示自己,这样我就可以同时看到两个屏幕。

但是屏幕不是透明的,它是黑色的,会发生什么?为什么会这样?我知道这样做是可能的,因为菜单的 Sams CookBook 示例是一个透明屏幕(其中有一个列表框)并且它显示在另一个屏幕的顶部。


#include <MAUtil/Moblet.h>
#include <MAUI/Screen.h>
#include <MAUI/Label.h>
#include <MAUI/Image.h>

using namespace MAUtil;
using namespace MAUI;

#define RES_BLANK 1

class ClearScreen : public Screen
        ClearScreen() : Screen()
            Image *cell = new Image( 0, 0, 400, 800, NULL, true, true, RES_BLANK );
            Label *item = new Label( 10, 300, 200, 200, cell );

            // What SHOULD happen: have the whole screen transparent by having a
            // transparent Image as the background & have a pink label on this screen,
            // Then I should be able to also see parts of MyScreen behind this screen
            // because parts of this are transparent
            // What ACTUALLY happens:
            // This creates an Image that is black (that covers the whole screen)
            // & a pink label on it
            this -> setMain( cell );


class MyScreen : public Screen
        MyScreen() : Screen()
            Label *cell = new Label( 0, 0, 400, 800, NULL );
            Label *item = new Label( 0, 0, 200, 200, cell );
            cell -> setDrawBackground( true );
            cell -> setBackgroundColor( 20000 );
            item -> setDrawBackground( true );
            item -> setBackgroundColor( 90000 );

            this -> setMain( cell );


class MyMoblet : public Moblet
            MyScreen *m = new MyScreen();
            m -> show();
            ClearScreen *c = new ClearScreen();
            c -> show();

        void keyPressEvent(int keyCode, int nativeCode)


        void keyReleaseEvent(int keyCode, int nativeCode)


extern "C" int MAMain()
    Moblet::run(new MyMoblet());
    return 0;


当您调用 show() 方法时,它会隐藏当前屏幕。这是 Screen.cpp 源文件中的部分:

void Screen::show() {
            if(sCurrentScreen) sCurrentScreen->hide();
            sCurrentScreen = this;


关于c++ - 同步 : Display a transparent screen over another screen,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5534649/


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