c++ - a+b 和 operator+(a,b) 的区别

标签 c++ operator-overloading language-lawyer



typedef std::function< int( int ) > F;

F operator+( F, F )
    return F();

int f( int x ) { return x; }

int main()
    operator+(f,f); // ok
    f+f; // error: invalid operands to binary expression

为什么最后一行 f+f; 编译不通过?为什么它与 operator+(f,f); 不同?如果能引用该标准,我们将不胜感激。


f 的类型是内置类型。对内置类型对象的操作从不考虑用户定义的运算符。调用 operator+(f, f) 显式强制执行两次转换,除非强制执行否则不会发生。相关条款是 [over.match.oper] 第 1 段:

If no operand of an operator in an expression has a type that is a class or an enumeration, the operator is assumed to be a built-in operator and interpreted according to Clause 5. ...

关于c++ - a+b 和 operator+(a,b) 的区别,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19307578/


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