c++ - 保留存储在 STL 容器中的指针指向的值 (unordered_map)

标签 c++ stl unordered-map


struct routing
    int color;       //white = -1, gray = 0, black = 1
    unsigned int d;      //distance
    unsigned int pi;     //previous node id

    routing() : color (-1), d (UINT_MAX), pi (UINT_MAX ) {}

struct attraction //each node in graph is called an attraction
    unsigned int id;                           //id of node
    std::string name;                          //name
    unsigned int priority;                     //priority
    std::unordered_map<int, int> nodeMap;      //destination node id, distance
    routing r;                                 //routing information

    attraction() : id (0) , name(""), priority(0) {}

现在,我必须运行 Dijkstra 算法来找到不同节点(称为景点)之间的最短距离。我已经实现了它并且工作正常。除了它很慢(比我需要的要慢)。
我有一个存储节点信息的 STL 容器。我用它来执行路由。如下所示:

//I use unordered_map for fast access of elements.
typedef std::unordered_map<unsigned int, attraction*> attractionList;
attractionList attrList;  

我想做的是一旦我计算了某个节点的所有顶点的所有路径/成本并将其存储在 attractionList 容器中,我想重用这些信息,所以来自该特定源节点的后续路由调用将更快。为此,我想保存我的 attrList 容器的状态,这样我就可以快速重用存储的信息。我正在尝试的是这样的:

//make another container whose first element is a unique source id, second element is the attractionList 
std::unordered_map<unsigned int, attractionList> stateMap; (containig routing information)

attractionList* newList = new attractionList(); //make a new object to store old state
newList = &attrList;     //copy values from old state

//insert in another container so that each unique source id has all routing information stored
stateMap.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, attractionList> (from, *newList)); 

嗯,这个问题很明显。当存储在 attrList 中的指针发生变化时,所有从它制作的拷贝都是无效的。我如何永久保存它们?在此容器中如何进行复制?如有必要,我该如何重载赋值运算符?这可能吗?我可以对我的数据结构和容器进行细微的更改,但更改幅度不大。



attractionList* newList = new attractionList(); //make a new object to store old state
newList = &attrList;     //copy values from old state

Well, the problem with this is obvious. When the pointers stored in the attrList change all the copies made from it are invalid.



attractionList newList = attrList;




attractionList newList;
for (attractionList::iterator it = attrList.begin(); it != attrList.end(); ++it) {
    attraction *newNode = /* copy of *(it->second) */;
    newList.insert(make_pair(it->first, newNode));

关于c++ - 保留存储在 STL 容器中的指针指向的值 (unordered_map),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20728552/


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