c++ - 从指向具有可变数量参数的函数的指针映射调用函数

标签 c++ c++11

考虑以下程序。有没有一种方法可以在主体中没有所有 if 语句的情况下实现 call() 函数?随意更改 map 类型以找到解决方案。 call() 还应该在参数数量错误的情况下抛出异常。 call() 的接口(interface)可以更改,但函数名称、指向参数数组的指针和参数数量仅在运行时已知。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <cmath>
#include <boost/any.hpp>

using namespace std;

typedef double(*PF1)(double);
typedef double(*PF2)(double, double);
typedef double(*PF3)(double, double, double);

map<string, boost::any> m = {
    {"sin", static_cast<PF1> (std::sin)},
    {"pow", static_cast<PF2> (std::pow)}
    // other 

double call(string name, double* args, int nargs) {
    if (name == "sin" && nargs == 1)
        return boost::any_cast<PF1>(m[name])(args[0]);
    else if (name == "pow" && nargs == 2)
        return boost::any_cast<PF2>(m[name])(args[0], args[1]);
    // etc...

int main() {
    double n[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
    int narg1 = 1, narg2 = 2; // known at runtime
    double r = call("sin", n, narg1);
    r = call("pow", n, narg2);


这是另一种方法。本质上,它使用 OP 的代码(通过 ifs 调度),因此它不需要映射或类型删除。但是,它需要 if-else 的尾部循环序列,而不是在映射中进行查找。所以查找速度较慢,但​​不需要间接寻址。

// a helper type to generate and deduce a sequence of integers
template<int...> struct seq {};
template<int N, int... Is> struct gen_seq : gen_seq<N-1, N-1, Is...> {};
template<int... Is> struct gen_seq<0, Is...> : seq<Is...> {};

#include <string>
#include <cassert>

template<class T, T t>
struct c_fptr;

template<class... Args, double(*fptr)(Args...)>
struct c_fptr<double(*)(Args...), fptr>
    std::string name;

    double operator()(double* argv, int argc) const
        assert(argc == sizeof...(Args));
        return dispatch(argv, gen_seq<sizeof...(Args)>{});

    template<int... Is>
    double dispatch(double* argv, seq<Is...>) const
        return fptr(argv[Is]...);


#include <map>
#include <cmath>

typedef double(*PF1)(double);
typedef double(*PF2)(double, double);
typedef double(*PF3)(double, double, double);

#include <tuple>

auto x = std::make_tuple(
      c_fptr<PF1, std::sin>{"sin"}
    , c_fptr<PF2, std::pow>{"pow"}


// end recursion
double call_recurse(std::string const& name, double* argv, int argc)
    throw std::invalid_argument("name not found");

template<class T, class... TT>
double call_recurse(std::string const& name, double* argv, int argc,
                    T const& l, TT const&... rest)
    if(name == l.name)
        return l(argv, argc);
        return call_recurse(name, argv, argc, rest...);

template<int... Is>
double call_dispatch(std::string const& name, double* argv, int argc, seq<Is...>)
    return call_recurse(name, argv, argc, std::get<Is>(x)...);

double call(std::string const& name, double* argv, int argc)
    return call_dispatch(name, argv, argc,

关于c++ - 从指向具有可变数量参数的函数的指针映射调用函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21049681/


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