
标签 c++ arrays loops

我想做的是将数据输入一个数组,该数组最多可以容纳 200 个变量,或者直到它到达文件末尾。如果文件超过 200 个变量,这会起作用还是会继续添加?这是我到目前为止写的:

此外,如果不在未分配任何内容的元素中打印 0,您将如何以相反的顺序输出它?


using namespace std;

const int SIZE = 200;
int tripNumber[SIZE];
double finalTrip[SIZE];
double fuel, waste, misc, discount, final;
double totalFuel, totalWaste, totalMisc, totalDiscount, totalFinal;

int main()
cout << "Welcome to NAME's Space Travel Company" << endl;
cout << "Trip No" << "\t" << "Fuel" << "\t" << "Waste" << "\t" << "Misc" << "\t"   << "Discount Fuel" << "\t" << "Final Cost" << endl;

ifstream inp_1("TripInput.txt");

    for(int i = 0; i = !inp_1.eof(); i++)
        inp_1 >> tripNumber[i] >> fuel >> waste >> misc;
        discount = fuel - (fuel * .10);
        final = discount + waste + misc;

        totalFuel += fuel;
        totalWaste += waste;
        totalMisc += misc;
        totalDiscount += discount;
        totalFinal += final;

        cout << setprecision(0) << tripNumber[i];
        cout << setprecision(2) << fixed << "\t " << fuel << "\t " << waste << "\t " << misc << "\t " << discount << "\t\t" << final << endl;

        finalTrip[i] = final;

cout << "Totals" << "\t" << totalFuel << "\t" << totalWaste << "\t " << totalMisc << "\t " << totalDiscount << "\t\t" << totalFinal << endl;


return 0;



for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
    inp_1 >> tripNumber[i] >> fuel >> waste >> misc;
    if (!inp_1)
    // etc...

您应该在输入命令后立即检查文件状态,如上。 for 循环确保数组不会溢出。

关于c++一旦达到数组大小或eof就停止循环,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23230144/


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