c++ - boost 变体 : Is there magic in the binding order?

标签 c++ boost boost-variant

我一直在阅读我能找到的关于 Boost Variant 的所有内容. (我很头疼。)有些人对分配字符串文字被保存为 bool 值感到惊讶。如果我在 bool 之前(之后?)列出了 char*,字符串文字会被保存为 char* 字符串吗? v1v2 之间的顺序在这里重要吗?

boost::variant<char*, bool> v1 = "hello";
boost::variant<bool, char*> v2 = "hello";

对于整数,我应该简单地绑定(bind)所有整数的最大整数还是应该单独绑定(bind) int8_tint64_t?如果我将它们全部绑定(bind),然后输入一个适合它们中的任何一个,它是否会保存为第一个(最后一个?)?

floatdouble 怎么样?




template<typename T> variant(T & operand);

Requires: T must be unambiguously convertible to one of the bounded types (i.e., T1, T2, etc.).

Postconditions: Content of *this is the best conversion of operand to one of the bounded types, as determined by standard overload resolution rules.

Throws: May fail with any exceptions arising from the conversion of operand to one of the bounded types.



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#include <boost/variant.hpp>

int main() {
        boost::variant<bool, std::string> v;
        v = "hello"; // is char const(&)[6], converts to bool

        assert(0 == v.which());

        v = static_cast<char const*>("hello");
        assert(0 == v.which());

    // compare to
        boost::variant<bool, char const*> v;
        v = "hello"; // is char const(&)[6]

        assert(1 == v.which()); // now selects the direct match

        v = static_cast<char const*>("hello");
        assert(1 == v.which());

关于c++ - boost 变体 : Is there magic in the binding order?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28093197/


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