java - 为可能为负的整数实现双重哈希

标签 java c++ hash double-hashing




hash function 1 h: h(k) = k mod (p)
hash function 2 s(k)= p –2 – (k mod(p-2))
p = table size, k = key

计算完h(k)后,如果没有碰撞,就插到它的位置上。如果发生冲突,我将计算 (h(k) + s(k)) mod p 并将 key 存储在计算结果值中。

所以我的问题是如果 key 是一个负整数,我应该在散列之前取它的绝对值(使其为正值)吗?或者还有其他方法吗?


来自Princeton Algorithms website :

Q: What's wrong with using (s.hashCode() % M) or Math.abs(s.hashCode()) % M to hash to a value between 0 and M-1?

A: The % operator returns a non-positive integer if its first argument is negative, and this would create an array index out-of-bounds error. Surprisingly, the absolute value function can even return a negative integer. This happens if its argument is Integer.MIN_VALUE because the resulting positive integer cannot be represented using a 32-bit two's complement integer. This kind of bug would be excruciatingly difficult to track down because it would only occur one time in 4 billion! [ The String hash code of "polygenelubricants" is -2^31. ]

Java 从哈希码 as follows 计算索引:

 static int indexFor(int hashcode, int length) {
     return hashcode & (length-1);

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