c++ - 给定键,如何找到 BST 的某个元素?

标签 c++ binary-search-tree

所以我正在尝试为 BST 实现一个 TREE_SUCCESSOR(X) 函数,其中 X 是我试图找到其后继节点的键。到目前为止我有这个:

int BinarySearchTree::TREE_SUCCESSOR(node* x)
//i dont need a new node, I just need a pointer/reference to x. 
node* y = NULL;
//node* parent = NULL;
if (x->right != NULL)
    return FIND_MIN(x->right);
    y = x->parent; 
    while (y != NULL && x == y->right)
        x = y;
        y = y->parent;
    return y->key; 


int main()
BinarySearchTree bst;
int num = 0; 
cout << "Enter number you want to find the successor of: " <<endl; 
cin >> num; 

if(BST.root->key == num)             //if i'm trying to find the successor of the root
   { TREE_SUCCESSOR(BST.root); } 
    while(BST.root->key != num)      //if the user input does not equal the root key value 

我想知道如何遍历 BST 到 BST 的节点,直到 key = num。例如,如果树有节点 3,4,5,则 TREE_SUCCESSOR(4) 应该返回 5。我该怎么做?


所以我决定使用 TREE_SEARCH(key) 找到具有特定键的节点并返回它...然后将该节点传递给 TREE_SUCCESSOR(X)


按顺序执行 traversal .



关于c++ - 给定键,如何找到 BST 的某个元素?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31169253/


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