html - 所有浏览器都会忽略无名输入字段吗?

标签 html http-post forms input-field name-attribute

如果没有指定 name 属性,是否保证浏览器不会发送 input 元素?

例如,我们可以假设 POST 下面的表单不会发送信用卡号吗?

<form action="/process" method="post">
  <input id="credit-card-number" type="text">
  <input type="submit" name="commit" value="Go">


Is it guaranteed that a browser doesn't send an input element if it doesn't have the name attribute specified?

是的(除非你用 JavaScript 来改变它)。

规范很清楚controls without names cannot be successful .

A successful control must be defined within a FORM element and must have a control name.

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