
标签 c++ recursion binary-search-tree


Unhandled exception at 0x002A2E44 in rekBinSearch.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000A.


if ((*pEnd - pBegin) == 0) / There's only one element */


find(x, (int*)pBegin, pMid);


    bool find(const int x, const int* pBegin, const int* pEnd)
   if ((*pEnd - *pBegin) == 0) /* There's only one element */
        if (x == (int)pEnd)    /* That element could be the correct one */
            return true;
        else                   /* If it is not then return false, x is not in the array */
            return false;

    int *pMid = (int*)(pEnd - pBegin);  /* pMid should be the adress to the element in the middle of the array */
    if (x >= (int)pMid)                 /* If x is in array it is to the right of the middle */
        find(x, (int*)pMid, pEnd);  
    else                                /* If x is in array it is to the left of the middle */           
        find(x, (int*)pBegin, pMid);

}// find



What am I doing wrong or how am I thinking wrong?



if ((*pEnd - *pBegin) == 0) /* There's only one element */

if (x == (int)pEnd)

int(pEnd) 没有得到 pEnd 指向的对象的值。它只是将指针值视为 int



    find(x, (int*)pMid, pEnd);  // Missing return

    find(x, (int*)pBegin, pMid); // Missing return



bool find(const int x, const int* pBegin, const int* pEnd)
   if ((pEnd - pBegin) == 0) /* There's only one element */
      return (x == *pEnd);  /* That element could be the correct one */
                            /* If it is not then return false, x is not in the array */

   int midIndex = (pEnd - pBegin)/2;
   int const* pMid = pBegin + midIndex; /* pMid should be the adress to the element in the middle of the array */
   if (x >= *pMid)                     /* If x is in array it is to the right of the middle */
      return find(x, pMid, pEnd);  
   else                                /* If x is in array it is to the left of the middle */           
      return find(x, pBegin, pMid-1);

}// find

关于c++通过递归进行二进制搜索,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33244552/


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