javascript - content.toggleAnimationClass();不是函数

标签 javascript jquery html css smoothstate.js

我有 htmlcss 可以正常使用 smoothState.js 的最基本用法

;(function ($) {

然而,即使使用这个基本实现,如果您选择当前页面的链接,(即重新加载页面)您将得到一个空白的 white 屏幕,其中 2015 写在左上角。对于此错误,控制台中未记录错误,这让我认为这是由 smoothState.js


如果我扩展 smoothState 以允许更高级的选项,(即“is-exiting”)现在无法在站点中导航,离开页面。


Uncaught TypeError: content.toggleAnimationClass is not a function main.js:134
    $.smoothState.onStart.render @ main.js:134
    load                         @ jquery.smoothState.js:533
    clickAnchor                  @ jquery.smoothState.js:589
    n.event.dispatch             @ jquery.min.js:3
    n.event.add.r.handle         @ jquery.min.js:3


 <div id="main" class="m-scene">

  <header id="header">

  <div id="page_content_container" class="scene_element scene_element--moveUpIn">

   <section class="about-intro-container">

   <section class="about-services-container">

   <section class="about-randomBits-container">


  </div><!-- #page_content_container -->
 </div><!-- #main -->

 <script src=""></script>
 <script src="js/jquery.smoothState.js"></script>
 <script src="js/main.js"></script>


这是与 smoothState 相关的 css:

/* prefixes are just missing here, I have them in my file */

.m-scene .scene_element {
  animation-duration: .5s;
  transition-timing-function: ease-in;
  animation-fill-mode: both;

.m-scene .scene_element--moveUpIn {
  animation-name: moveUp, fadeIn;
} .scene_element {
  animation-direction: alternate-reverse;

@keyframes moveUp {
  0% {
    transform: translateY(100%) 
  100% { 
    transform: translateY(0%) 

@keyframes fadeIn {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
  100% {
    opacity: 1;

这是更高级的 smoothState:

;(function($) {
  'use strict';
  var $body = $('html, body'),
  content = $('#main').smoothState({

    // Runs when a link has been activated
    onStart: {
      duration: 250, // Duration of our animation
      render: function (url, $container) {

        // toggleAnimationClass() is a public method
        // for restarting css animations with a class

        // Scroll user to the top
          scrollTop: 0
  //.data('smoothState') makes public methods available

最终我计划添加prefetchpageCacheSize 等...并根据您正在加载/退出的页面实现不同的转换。但是,在我解决上述问题之前,目前不值得继续前进。



XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///Users/Parallelos/Developer/
Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource.
  n.ajaxTransport.k.cors.a.crossDomain.send @ jquery.min.js:4
  n.extend.ajax                             @ jquery.min.js:4
  fetch                                     @ jquery.smoothState.js:355
  load                                      @ jquery.smoothState.js:529
  clickAnchor                               @ jquery.smoothState.js:589
  n.event.dispatch                          @ jquery.min.js:3
  n.event.add.r.handle                      @ jquery.min.js:3


我处理过这个完全相同的问题。如果您下载演示并浏览他们的“functions.js”,您会注意到处理现有 css 类的不同方式。这是该代码,已经过测试,对我有用。

  'use strict';
  var $page = $('#main'),
      options = {
        debug: true,
        prefetch: true,
        cacheLength: 2,
        forms: 'form',
        onStart: {
          duration: 250, // Duration of our animation
          render: function ($container) {
            // Add your CSS animation reversing class
            // Restart your animation
        onReady: {
          duration: 0,
          render: function ($container, $newContent) {
            // Remove your CSS animation reversing class
            // Inject the new content
      smoothState = $page.smoothState(options).data('smoothState');


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