html - 在 W3C 验证器中验证 HTML 时如何获取徽章?

标签 html w3c-validation

我正在尝试在 W3C 验证器中验证一个 4 页的网站。

当我验证我的 CSS 页面时,我得到了网络印章徽章的代码。
当我验证我的 4 个单独的 HTML 页面时,它们都会验证但不提供徽章代码。



如果它没有为您提供一个,那么您可能正在编写 HTML 5(为 HTML 4 和 XHTML 1 文档提供了一个)。

参见 this interview与迈克尔 [tm] 史密斯:

No, there won’t be a Valid HTML icon any time soon and likely not ever. The reason is basically that “This is valid” icons/badges promote the idea that there’s significant value in making public claims of pass/fail document-conformance requirements in standards.

But the HTML5 checker is by design not intended to encourage anybody to use it as a means to make public assertions of simple pass/fail conformance of any documents to any particular specifications; it’s intended solely as a checker — for people to use to catch unintended mistakes in documents and fix them — not as a pass/fail certification mechanism.

There won’t be any proper Valid HTML5 icon forthcoming, so if you’d like to use one in your content, you’ll probably need to create one on your own.


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