c++ - 如何忽略字符数组中的某些字母和空格

标签 c++ arrays

尝试做一个 else 声明,去掉所有其他字母和空格,然后是我想要的。这个函数是将用户输入的字母变成其他字母

using namespace std;
    void dna_to_rna(char rna[]) 
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            if (rna[i] == 'a' || rna[i] == 'A')
                rna[i] = 'U';
            else if (rna[i] == 'c' || rna[i] == 'C')
                rna[i] = 'G';
            else if (rna[i] == 'g' || rna[i] == 'G')
                rna[i] = 'C';
            else if (rna[i] == 't' || rna[i] == 'T')
                rna[i] = 'A';

为了删除所有其他字符,else 语句应该是什么样子?



void dna_to_rna(std::string& rna)
    auto it = rna.begin();
    while (it != rna.end())
        if      (*it == 'a' || *it == 'A') *it = 'U';
        else if (*it == 'c' || *it == 'C') *it = 'G';
        else if (*it == 'g' || *it == 'G') *it = 'C';
        else if (*it == 't' || *it == 'T') *it = 'A';
            it = rna.erase(it);
            continue;   // it already "points" to the next element


std::string dna_to_rna(const std::string& dna)
    std::string rna;
    for (auto c : dna)
        if      (c == 'a' || c == 'A') rna += 'U';
        else if (c == 'c' || c == 'C') rna += 'G';
        else if (c == 'g' || c == 'G') rna += 'C';
        else if (c == 't' || c == 'T') rna += 'A';

    return rna;

关于c++ - 如何忽略字符数组中的某些字母和空格,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37021428/


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