c++ - 在确定数组的总数和平均值时,如何阻止将哨兵值读入数组?

标签 c++ arrays while-loop sentinel


这是 while 循环:

while (grade != -1)
    cin >> grade;
    gradesArray[count] = grade;
    total += gradesArray[count];
    average = total / count;

cout << "You have entered " << count << " grades." << endl;
cout << "The average of these grades is " << average << endl;


while (std::cin >> grade && grade != -1)

关于c++ - 在确定数组的总数和平均值时,如何阻止将哨兵值读入数组?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38318531/


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