html - 仅加载该页面中使用的@font-face

标签 html css font-face

我的样式表中有多个@font-face 字体,有没有办法只加载该页面上使用的字体?除了为具有该字体的每个页面加载单独的样式表之外。


我不知道浏览器是如何真正实现它的,但是 CSS Fonts Module Level 3在其“Font loading guidelines”部分中说,浏览器必须只下载当前页面中使用的字体:

The @font-face rule is designed to allow lazy loading of fonts, fonts are only downloaded when needed for use within a document. A stylesheet can include @font-face rules for a library of fonts of which only a select set are used; user agents must only download those fonts that are referred to within the style rules applicable to a given page. User agents that download all fonts defined in @font-face rules without considering whether those fonts are in fact used within a page are considered non-conformant.



In cases where a font might be downloaded in character fallback cases, user agents may download a font if it's listed in a font list but is not actually used for a given text run.

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