c++ - 堆栈溢出运行时错误c++

标签 c++

我正在为密码验证程序编写一个类程序。我需要密码至少包含 6 个字符,但我也将其限制为最多 10 个(不是必需的,但我想这样做)。

该程序运行良好,我的其他验证工作正常,直到我尝试添加超过 10 个字符的密码。我可以通过并重新输入一个新密码,然后我收到消息说它现在是一个有效密码。但随后出现以下错误:

Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'password' was corrupted.



#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>

using namespace std;

//Function prototypes
bool validatePassword(char *);                      //function to test pw requirements
bool validateUppercase(char *);                 //function to test for upper case value
bool validateLowercase(char *);                 //function to test for lowercase value
bool validateNumber(char *);                    //function to test for a number value
bool validateLength(char *);                    //function to test for password length

int main()
    char password[11];                              //set the maximum number of char for password include the end     delimiter
    int size;                                       //size of the array

    //Prompt user to enter a password based on criteria

    cout << "Please enter a password that meets the following criteria: \n";
    cout << "1. A minimum of 6 characters up to a max of 10. \n";
    cout << "2. Contains atleast one uppercase and one lowercase character. \n";
    cout << "3. Contains atleast one number. \n\n";
    //cout << "****Please note if you have more the 10 characters \n";
    //cout << " the program will only accept the first 10***\n";
    cout << "\nPlease enter your password: ";
    cin >> password;
    //cin  >> setw(10) >> password;             //set this so I would not get a runtime error

    size = strlen(password);                        //determines the length of the password

        while (!validatePassword(password))     //if the functions returns a false value
            cout << "\nYour password does not meet the requirements. ";
            cout << "\nEnter a new password: ";
            cin >> password;
            size = strlen(password);
    } while (size > 10);

    if (validatePassword(password))
        cout << "\nYour password " << password << " meets the requirements. \n";    //if the function returns a true value


    system ("pause");

    return 0;


//This function calls the other validation functions 
bool validatePassword(char *pass)
int size = strlen(pass);
return (validateLength(pass) && validateUppercase(pass) &&         validateLowercase(pass) && validateNumber(pass) == true);

//This function validates the length of the password
bool validateLength (char *pass)
    int size = strlen(pass);
    if (size >= 6 && size < 10)
        return true;
        cout << "\n\nThe password you entered either contained to little or to many characters.";
        cout << "\nA minimum of 6 characters to a maximum of 10 is required.";
        return false;

//This function checks to see if the password contains an uppercase char
bool validateUppercase(char *pass)
    int size = strlen(pass);
    for (int count = 0; count < size; count++)
        if (isupper(pass[count]))
            return true;

    cout << "\n\nThe password must contain at least one uppercase  character. ";
    return false;

 //This function checks to see if the password contains an lowercase char
 bool validateLowercase(char *pass) 
    int size = strlen(pass);
    for (int count = 0; count < size; count++)
        if (islower(pass[count]))
            return true;

    cout << "\n\nThe password must contain at least one lowercase character. ";
    return false;

//This function checks to see if the password contains an number char
bool validateNumber(char *pass)
    int size = strlen(pass);
    for (int count = 0; count < size; count++)
        if (isdigit(pass[count]))
            return true;

    cout << "\n\nThe password must contain at least one number. " ;
    return false;


对于 cstrings,运算符 <<将读取一个字符串并在缓冲区末尾自动附加空字节字符如果有足够的空间。

您分配了一个 11 的缓冲区,因此当输入的密码大于 10 时,终止字符串的空字节将不会出现,从而导致 strlen 出现问题等等。确实,什么strlen所做的只是简单地读取输入并递增计数器直到 \0遇到了。


  1. 继续cstring并增加缓冲区的大小(足够高以避免意外),
  2. 切换到string c++ 的类,它是一个能够动态增加的 char 数组(强烈推荐,here is a link to get started)。


    while (!validatePassword(password))     //if the functions returns a false value
        cout << "\nYour password does not meet the requirements. ";
        cout << "\nEnter a new password: ";
        cin >> password;
        size = strlen(password);
} while (size > 10);

if (validatePassword(password))
    cout << "\nYour password " << password << " meets the requirements. \n";    //if the function returns a true value



while (!validatePassword(password))
   cout << "\nYour password does not meet the requirements. ";
   cout << "\nEnter a new password: ";
   cin >> password;
cout << "\nYour password " << password << " meets the requirements. \n"; 

validatePassword电话 validateLength检查 strlen(pass) <= 10只有密码正确才能退出第一个循环。

另一个改进是将密码的大小传递给您的函数,以避免调用 strlen无处不在(在 C 语言中通常总是使用 char * 参数传递大小)。

关于c++ - 堆栈溢出运行时错误c++,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41796006/


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