c++ - 复利算法产生奇怪的答案? (已经进行了 5-7 小时的故障排除)

标签 c++

C++ 的新手。尽我最大的努力来解决这个问题。

read 语句后的额外 cout 用于故障排除,以确保它确实在读取用户输入。







A = P (1 + r/n)^(nt)

Amount = principle (1 + interest rate/times compounded)^(rate, times compounded)

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main()

    double rate;
    double time;
    double principle;
    double amount;
    double amount2;

//Asking for the amount of money that the user would like to invest

    cout << "What is the amount of money you would like to invest? ";

    cin >> principle;
    cout << principle << endl;

//Asking for the interest rate that will be compounded annually

    cout << "What is the interest rate you would like to calculate? "; 
    cin >> rate;

//interest rate divided by 100 so it can be multiplied by the principle and the amount of time the money will be invested later in code.

    rate /= 100;
    cout << rate << endl;

//Asking for the amount of years that the user will invest. 
cout << "How many times would you like to compound your money? ";

    cin >> time;
    cout << time << endl;

//calculation for amount of money that will be made after all user input is input

    amount2 = pow(rate, time);
    cout << amount2 << endl;

    amount = (principle * (1 + rate/time), amount2); 

//Output data after all user data is input and calculated. 

    cout << "Your will have "; cout << amount; cout << " dollars in 
    interest! "<< endl;  

    return 0;




amount = (principle * (1 + rate/time), amount2); 

完全不使用 principle * (1 + rate/time)。对该表达式求值,然后丢弃结果,将 amount 分配给 amount2 中的值。我假设您正在尝试使用这两个表达式作为参数来调用函数。


In a comma expression E1, E2, the expression E1 is evaluated, its result is discarded, and its side effects are completed before evaluation of the expression E2 begins.


A = P (1 + r/n)^(nt)
Amount = principle (1 + interest rate/times compounded)^(rate * times compounded)


amount2 = pow(rate, time);


amount2 = 1 * time; // Where one is the times compounded per period (year)


amount = principle * pow((1 + rate, amount2);

因为您每年复利一次,所以您将利率除以 1,而不是年数。同样的道理,amount2现在严格等于时间;

关于c++ - 复利算法产生奇怪的答案? (已经进行了 5-7 小时的故障排除),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42014988/


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