c++ - 自定义哈希表实现 - 将字符串映射到整数时出现内存错误

标签 c++ hashmap hashtable

我正在练习用 C++ 实现 HashMap 。我的目标是最终将单词映射到一对整数,这对整数对应于文本文件中的行和列。我从 here 中获取了 HashMap 实现并以此为基础。当我只用一个字母传递单词时,代码工作正常。但是,当我有一个包含多个字母的单词时,代码会在 Visual Studio 上编译,但在运行时会在这一行发生读取访问冲突:

HashNode<K, V> *entry = table[hashValue];


#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

#define TABLE_SIZE 1028

template <typename K, typename V>
class HashNode {
    HashNode(const K &key, const V &value) :
        key(key), value(value), next(NULL) {

    K getKey() const {
        return key;

    V getValue() const {
        return value;

    void setValue(V value) {
        HashNode::value = value;

    HashNode *getNext() const {
        return next;

    void setNext(HashNode *next) {
        HashNode::next = next;

    // key-value pair
    K key;
    V value;
    // next bucket with the same key
    HashNode *next;

template <typename K, typename V, typename F = KeyHash<K>>
class HashMap {
    HashMap() {
        // construct zero initialized hash table of size
        table = new HashNode<K, V> * [TABLE_SIZE]();

    ~HashMap() {
        // destroy all buckets one by one
        for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; ++i) {
            HashNode<K, V> *entry = table[i];
            while (entry != NULL) {
                HashNode<K, V> *prev = entry;
                entry = entry->getNext();
                delete prev;
            table[i] = NULL;
        // destroy the hash table
        delete[] table;

    void get(const K &key, vector<V> &value) {
        unsigned long hashValue = hashFunc(key);
        HashNode<K, V> *entry = table[hashValue];

        while (entry != NULL) {
            if (entry->getKey() == key) {
                //return true;
            entry = entry->getNext();
        //return false;

    void insert(const K &key, const V &value) {
        unsigned long hashValue = hashFunc(key);
        HashNode<K, V> *prev = NULL;
        HashNode<K, V> *entry = table[hashValue];

        while (entry != NULL && entry->getKey() == key) {
            prev = entry;
            entry = entry->getNext();

        if (entry == NULL) {
            entry = new HashNode<K, V>(key, value);
            if (prev == NULL) {
                // insert as first bucket
                table[hashValue] = entry;
            else {
        else {
            // just update the value

    void remove(const K &key) {
        unsigned long hashValue = hashFunc(key);
        HashNode<K, V> *prev = NULL;
        HashNode<K, V> *entry = table[hashValue];

        while (entry != NULL && entry->getKey() != key) {
            prev = entry;
            entry = entry->getNext();

        if (entry == NULL) {
            // key not found
        else {
            if (prev == NULL) {
                // remove first bucket of the list
                table[hashValue] = entry->getNext();
            else {
            delete entry;

    // hash table
    HashNode<K, V> **table;
    F hashFunc;

int main()
    struct MyKeyHash
        unsigned long operator()(const string & s) const
            int hash = 7;
            for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
                hash = hash * 31 + s[i];
            return hash;

    HashMap<string, tuple<int, int>, MyKeyHash> hmap;
    hmap.insert("BB", make_pair(3, 3));
    hmap.insert("A", make_pair(1, 2));
    hmap.insert("A", make_pair(4, 2));

    vector<tuple<int, int>> value;
    hmap.get("B", value);
    for (auto it : value)
        cout << get<0>(it) << ", " << get<1>(it) << endl;


unsigned long hashValue = hashFunc(key);


unsigned long operator()(const string & s) const
    int hash = 7;
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
        hash = hash * 31 + s[i];
    return hash;

可以返回任意大的值(在int范围内)。但是 table 是一个长度为 TABLE_SIZE (1028) 的数组。如果输出恰好大于该值,则说明您正在越界访问它。



unsigned long hashValue = hashFunc(key)%TABLE_SIZE;

另请注意,如果字符串足够长,您的哈希函数会溢出,导致未定义的行为(因为您使用的是带符号的整数)。您应该使用 unsigned long 而不是 int,匹配返回类型并且是无符号的。

关于c++ - 自定义哈希表实现 - 将字符串映射到整数时出现内存错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58783963/


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