c++ 指针丢失指针引用

标签 c++ pointers runtime-error


class Investment
    void init(BWAPI::UnitType type1, BWAPI::UpgradeType type2, BWAPI::TechType type3, int numOfItems);
    UpgradeType upgradeType;
    TechType techType;
    UnitType unitType;


void Investment::init(BWAPI::UnitType type1, BWAPI::UpgradeType type2, BWAPI::TechType type3, int numOfItems)
    if (type1 != NULL) {

        this->unitType = type1;
        this->type = type1.isBuilding() ? BUILDING_TYPE : UNIT_TYPE;

    } else if (type2 != NULL) {

        this->upgradeType = type2;  
        this->type = UPGRADE_TYPE;

    } else if (type3 != NULL) {

        this->techType = type3; 
        this->type = TECH_TYPE;

    this->numOfItems = numOfItems;


const void* Investment::getItem() const
    if (unitType != NULL)
        return &unitType;
    else if (upgradeType != NULL)
        return &upgradeType;
    else if (techType != NULL)
        return &techType;

    return NULL;

但是当我使用 UnitType* type = (UnitType*) investment->getItem(); 指针失去它的值时会发生什么

当我调用 type->getName().c_str(); 时,它返回一个空字符串

为了获得投资,我调用了 Stack 的方法

// I have a stack of type std::vector<T*> stack;

T* getNext() {


    for (int i = 0, leni = stack.size(); i < leni; i++) {

        T* t = stack.at(i);

        if (!t->isDone() && !t->isCanceled())
            return t;

    return NULL;


我认为您可以通过让 Investment 类持有一个(最好是 smart )指向 Type 基类的指针来大大简化问题。在此示例中,我使用了一个在 Investment 析构函数中被删除的原始指针,但您可能应该使用 std::unique_ptr , 一个 boost::scoped_ptr ,或 std::shared_ptr如果您想将类型的生命周期与 Investment 分离。

class InvestmentType { // some public virtual methods };

class UpdgadeType : public InvestmentType { /* Implement InvestmentType methods*/ };
class TechType : public InvestmentType { /* Implement InvestmentType methods*/ };
class UnitType : public InvestmentType { /* Implement InvestmentType methods*/ };

class Investment
    void init(const InvestmentType&  type, int numOfItems) : nItems_(numOfItems), type_(new type) {}
    int nItems_;
    InvestmentType* type_;
    ~Investment() { delete type_; }
    const InvestmentType* getItem() const { return type_; }

关于c++ 指针丢失指针引用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13814577/


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