c++ - 我如何更改此示例中的语法以解析“AND ( (OR (a b c)) (NOT (d)))

标签 c++ boost-spirit boost-spirit-qi

Boolean expression (grammar) parser in c++

我正在尝试修改“sehe”提供的上述示例中的语法以解析以下表达式。 “和((或(a b c))(不是(d)))”。

AND/OR/NOT 三种运算符,NOT 是一元的,但 AND 和 OR 可以作用于多个操作数。





struct op_or  {};
struct op_and {};
struct op_xor {};
struct op_not {};

typedef std::string var;
template <typename tag> struct combination_op;
template <typename tag> struct unop;

typedef boost::variant<var, 
        boost::recursive_wrapper<unop <op_not> >, 
        boost::recursive_wrapper<combination_op<op_and> >,
        boost::recursive_wrapper<combination_op<op_xor> >,
        boost::recursive_wrapper<combination_op<op_or> >
        > expr;

template <typename tag> struct combination_op 
    typedef std::vector<expr> operands_t;
    combination_op() = default;
    combination_op(operands_t const& operands) : operands(operands) { }
    operands_t operands;

template <typename tag> struct unop  
    unop() = default;
    unop(const expr& o) : operand(o) { }
    expr operand; 

// Parser grammar
template <typename It, typename Skipper = qi::space_type>
    struct parser : qi::grammar<It, expr(), Skipper>
    parser() : parser::base_type(expr_)
        using namespace qi;

        or_  = no_case [ "OR"  ] > '(' > expr_list > ')';
        xor_ = no_case [ "XOR" ] > '(' > expr_list > ')';
        and_ = no_case [ "AND" ] > '(' > expr_list > ')';
        not_ = no_case [ "NOT" ] > '(' > expr_     > ')';
        var_ = qi::lexeme[ +alpha ];

        expr_list = +expr_;
        expr_ = xor_ | and_ | or_ | not_ | var_;

        on_error<fail> ( expr_, std::cout
             << phx::val("Error! Expecting ") << _4 << phx::val(" here: \"")
             << phx::construct<std::string>(_3, _2) << phx::val("\"\n"));

    template <typename Attr> using Rule = qi::rule<It, Attr(), Skipper>;
    Rule<var>                    var_;
    Rule<unop<op_not>>           not_;
    Rule<combination_op<op_and>> and_;
    Rule<combination_op<op_xor>> xor_;
    Rule<combination_op<op_or>>  or_;
    Rule<std::vector<expr>>      expr_list;
    Rule<expr>                   expr_;


// Evaluation
struct eval : boost::static_visitor<bool> 
    eval() {}

    bool operator()(const var& v) const 
        if (v=="T" || v=="t" || v=="true" || v=="True")
            return true;
        else if (v=="F" || v=="f" || v=="false" || v=="False")
            return false;
        return boost::lexical_cast<bool>(v); 

    bool operator()(const combination_op<op_and>& b) const
        return std::accumulate(begin(b.operands), end(b.operands), true, 
                [this](bool a, expr const& b) { return a && recurse(b); });
    bool operator()(const combination_op<op_xor>& b) const
        return std::accumulate(begin(b.operands), end(b.operands), false, 
                [this](bool a, expr const& b) { return a != recurse(b); });
    bool operator()(const combination_op<op_or>& b) const
        return std::accumulate(begin(b.operands), end(b.operands), false, 
                [this](bool a, expr const& b) { return a || recurse(b); });
    bool operator()(const unop<op_not>& u) const
        return !recurse(u.operand);

    template<typename T>
        bool recurse(T const& v) const 
        { return boost::apply_visitor(*this, v); }

bool evaluate(const expr& e)
    return boost::apply_visitor(eval(), e); 


    std::cout << "eval: " << evaluate(result) << "\n";


tree: XOR (AND (true NOT (T)) OR (AND (T T) AND (F T)))
eval: 1

(注意:树是使用镜像业力语法打印的,参见下面的“full code sample”)。


You may have noticed that the grammar has gotten very symmetrical around the corners. This is precisely because the precedence issue has vanished. Therefore, it might make sense to simplify the grammar further: simplified.cpp


也在 github: straight_forward.cpp

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/karma.hpp>
#include <boost/variant/recursive_wrapper.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>

namespace qi    = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace karma = boost::spirit::karma;
namespace phx   = boost::phoenix;

struct op_or  {};
struct op_and {};
struct op_xor {};
struct op_not {};

typedef std::string var;
template <typename tag> struct combination_op;
template <typename tag> struct unop;

typedef boost::variant<var, 
        boost::recursive_wrapper<unop <op_not> >, 
        boost::recursive_wrapper<combination_op<op_and> >,
        boost::recursive_wrapper<combination_op<op_xor> >,
        boost::recursive_wrapper<combination_op<op_or> >
        > expr;

template <typename tag> struct combination_op 
    typedef std::vector<expr> operands_t;
    combination_op() = default;
    combination_op(operands_t const& operands) : operands(operands) { }
    operands_t operands;

template <typename tag> struct unop  
    unop() = default;
    unop(const expr& o) : operand(o) { }
    expr operand; 

// Evaluation
struct eval : boost::static_visitor<bool> 
    eval() {}

    bool operator()(const var& v) const 
        if (v=="T" || v=="t" || v=="true" || v=="True")
            return true;
        else if (v=="F" || v=="f" || v=="false" || v=="False")
            return false;
        return boost::lexical_cast<bool>(v); 

    bool operator()(const combination_op<op_and>& b) const
        return std::accumulate(begin(b.operands), end(b.operands), true, 
                [this](bool a, expr const& b) { return a && recurse(b); });
    bool operator()(const combination_op<op_xor>& b) const
        return std::accumulate(begin(b.operands), end(b.operands), false, 
                [this](bool a, expr const& b) { return a != recurse(b); });
    bool operator()(const combination_op<op_or>& b) const
        return std::accumulate(begin(b.operands), end(b.operands), false, 
                [this](bool a, expr const& b) { return a || recurse(b); });
    bool operator()(const unop<op_not>& u) const
        return !recurse(u.operand);

    template<typename T>
        bool recurse(T const& v) const 
        { return boost::apply_visitor(*this, v); }

bool evaluate(const expr& e)
    return boost::apply_visitor(eval(), e); 

// Parser grammar
template <typename It, typename Skipper = qi::space_type>
    struct parser : qi::grammar<It, expr(), Skipper>
    parser() : parser::base_type(expr_)
        using namespace qi;

        or_  = no_case [ "OR"  ] > '(' > expr_list > ')';
        xor_ = no_case [ "XOR" ] > '(' > expr_list > ')';
        and_ = no_case [ "AND" ] > '(' > expr_list > ')';
        not_ = no_case [ "NOT" ] > '(' > expr_     > ')';
        var_ = qi::lexeme[ +alpha ];

        expr_list = +expr_;
        expr_ = xor_ | and_ | or_ | not_ | var_;

        on_error<fail> ( expr_, std::cout
             << phx::val("Error! Expecting ") << _4 << phx::val(" here: \"")
             << phx::construct<std::string>(_3, _2) << phx::val("\"\n"));

    template <typename Attr> using Rule = qi::rule<It, Attr(), Skipper>;
    Rule<var>                    var_;
    Rule<unop<op_not>>           not_;
    Rule<combination_op<op_and>> and_;
    Rule<combination_op<op_xor>> xor_;
    Rule<combination_op<op_or>>  or_;
    Rule<std::vector<expr>>      expr_list;
    Rule<expr>                   expr_;

// Output generator
template <typename It>
    struct generator : karma::grammar<It, expr()>
    generator() : generator::base_type(expr_)
        using namespace karma;

        or_  = lit("OR ")  << '(' << expr_list[ _1 = phx::bind(&combination_op<op_or >::operands, _val) ] << ')';
        xor_ = lit("XOR ") << '(' << expr_list[ _1 = phx::bind(&combination_op<op_xor>::operands, _val) ] << ')';
        and_ = lit("AND ") << '(' << expr_list[ _1 = phx::bind(&combination_op<op_and>::operands, _val) ] << ')';
        not_ = lit("NOT ") << '(' << expr_    [ _1 = phx::bind(&unop<op_not>          ::operand,  _val) ] << ')';
        var_ = karma::string;

        expr_list = expr_ % ' ';
        expr_ = var_ | not_ | xor_ | and_ | or_ | not_;

    template <typename Attr> using Rule = karma::rule<It, Attr()>;
    Rule<var>                    var_;
    Rule<unop<op_not>>           not_;
    Rule<combination_op<op_and>> and_;
    Rule<combination_op<op_xor>> xor_;
    Rule<combination_op<op_or>>  or_;
    Rule<std::vector<expr>>      expr_list;
    Rule<expr>                   expr_;

int main()
    const std::string input("xor (and (true not(T)) or (and (T T) and (F T)));");

    auto f(std::begin(input)), l(std::end(input));
    const static parser<decltype(f)> p;

    expr result;
    bool ok = qi::phrase_parse(f,l,p > ';',qi::space,result);

    if (!ok)
        std::cout << "invalid input\n";
        const static generator<boost::spirit::ostream_iterator> g;
        std::cout << "tree: " << karma::format(g, result) << "\n";
        std::cout << "eval: " << evaluate(result) << "\n";

    if (f!=l) std::cout << "unparsed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";

关于c++ - 我如何更改此示例中的语法以解析“AND ( (OR (a b c)) (NOT (d))),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16988738/


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