C++ 在函数参数中使用 ** 指针不起作用

标签 c++ visual-c++-2010


void SortResistance(MyClass ** pointerArray, int arraySize);


MyClass * item1 = *pointerArray + i;  
MyClass * item2 = *pointerArray + i + 1;


void Swap(MyClass ** item1, MyClass ** item2);


我的问题是我不知道如何将它们重新分配回 pointerArray。


*(pointerArray + i) = item1;
*(pointerArray + i + 1) = item2;

(好吧,它在 i 等于 0 时起作用,否则它只是移动指针对象,而不是它的值。)




#include <string>
using namespace std;

void main()
    //TODO: instantiate an array of pointers and sort them using the below

class MyClass
    double value;
    string name;

void Sort(MyClass ** myArray, int arraySize)
    //TODO: implement bubble sort

void Swap(MyClass ** pointer1, MyClass ** pointer2)
    MyClass *temp = *pointer1;
    *pointer1 = *pointer2;
    *pointer2 = temp;

我的解决方案,基于类似以下的内容 http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/sort/会是这样的:

#include <string>
using namespace std;

class MyClass
    double value;
    string name;

void Swap(MyClass ** pointer1, MyClass ** pointer2)
    MyClass *temp = *pointer1;
    *pointer1 = *pointer2;
    *pointer2 = temp;


void Sort(MyClass ** myArray, int arraySize)
    bool done = false; // this flag will be used to check whether we have to continue the algorithm

    while (!done)
        done = true; // assume that the array is currently sorted
        for (int i = 0; i < arraySize - 1; i++) // for every element in the array  
            MyClass * p1 = *myArray + i;
            MyClass * p2 = *myArray + i + 1;

            //MyClass * p1 = *(myArray + i);
            //MyClass * p2 = *(myArray + i + 1);
            //MyClass * p1 = myArray[i];
            //MyClass * p2 = myArray[i + 1];

            if ( p1->value > p2->value ) // compare the current element with the following one
                // They are in the wrong order, swap them
            Swap(&p1, &p2);
                //Swap(*(&myArray + i), *(&myArray + i + 1));
            //Swap(myArray + i, myArray + i + 1);

            *(myArray + i) = p1;
            *(myArray + i + 1) = p2;

                done = false; // since we performed a swap, the array needs to be checked to see if it is sorted
                               // this is done in the next iteration of the while

void main()
    MyClass item1; item1.name = "item1"; item1.value = 25.5;
    MyClass item2; item2.name = "item2"; item2.value = 15.5;
    MyClass myItems[2]; myItems[0] = item1; myItems[1] = item2;

    MyClass * myPointerToItemArray = myItems;
    Sort(&myPointerToItemArray, 2);

代码在 VS 2010 下编译良好。如您所见,一切顺利,直到我必须将新的指针集重新分配给数组。任何建议将不胜感激。我开始认为必须修改声明才能使其正常工作。



MyClass* item1 = pointerArray[i];
MyClass* item2 = pointerArray[i + 1];


pointerArray[i] = item1;
pointerArray[i + 1] = item2;


关于C++ 在函数参数中使用 ** 指针不起作用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16994849/


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