c++ - 剪刀石头布游戏c++

标签 c++

石头剪刀布游戏 c++ 不显示 cout 来告诉谁赢得了比赛,我不知道出了什么问题,为什么程序不显示 cout。请告诉我出了什么问题、如何解决它以及为什么会发生,我认为 cstdlib 在那里什么也没做。

Objective: To score the rock-paper-scissors game. If the user enters invalid input, your program should say so, otherwise it will output one of the above results.

#include <iostream> 
#include <cstdlib> 

using namespace std; 

int main() 
    string pone; 
    string ptwo; 
    string r; 
    string p; 
    string s; 

    cout << "Rock, Paper, Scissors Game\n"; 
    cout << "\nPlayer One, please enter your move: ('p' for Paper, 'r' for Rock, 's' for Scissor)";  

    cin >> pone; 

    cout << "\nPlayer Two, please enter your move: ('p' for Paper, 'r' for Rock, 's' for Scissor)"; 

    cin >> ptwo; 

    if (pone == ptwo) 
        cout <<"\nThere is a tie"<<endl; 

    if ( pone == r && ptwo == p) 
        cout << "\nPaper wraps rock, Player 1 win"; 
    else if (pone == r && ptwo == s) 
        cout << "\nRock smashes scissors, player 1 win"; 

    if (pone == p && ptwo == r) 
        cout <<"\nPaper wraps rock, player 1 win"; 
    else if ( pone == p && ptwo == s) 
        cout <<"\nScissors cut paper, player 2 win"; 

    if ( pone == r && ptwo == p) 
        cout << "\nPaper wraps rock, Player 1 win"; 
    else if (pone == r && ptwo == s) 
        cout << "\nRock smashes scissors, player 1 win"; 

    if (pone == p && ptwo == r) 
        cout <<"\nPaper wraps rock, player 1 win"; 
    else if ( pone == p && ptwo == s) 
        cout <<"\nScissors cut paper, player 2 win"; 

    if ( ptwo == s && pone == r) 
        cout <<"\nScissors cut paper, player 1 win"; 
    else if (ptwo == s && pone == p) 
        cout <<"\nRock smashes scissors, player 2 win "; 

    return 0; 



if (pone == r && ptwo == p) 
    cout << "\nPaper wraps rock, Player 1 win"; 
else if (pone == r && ptwo == s) 
    cout << "\nRock smashes scissors, player 1 win"; 
//etc etc


if (pone == "r" && ptwo == "p")
//etc etc


关于c++ - 剪刀石头布游戏c++,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22166766/


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