c++ - 将对象指向 NULL 会将成员值置于什么位置?

标签 c++ class oop null


class Student
// Some routines

string name;
int grade;


Student* newStudent = NULL;


cout << newStudent->getName();

它不返回 0 - 相反,Visual Studio 给了我某种错误。

所以我也想知道,newStudent 到底指的是什么?它只是消除了所有私有(private)数据,并将整个类指向 0 吗?


好的,克里斯 - 我就是这么想的。我的后续问题是: 我如何在 getName 函数中检查这一点。

我不能像这样使用 bool,

if (name == 0)
// Return an error message.


编辑: VS错误是: Ex8_3.exe 中 0x00FFAAA6 处的未处理异常:0xC0000005:访问冲突读取位置 0x00000014。


编辑: 好的,这是导致问题的代码。我将只发布整个程序,因为它不是太大,而且我可以使用任何我能得到的建设性批评。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

class Student
    // Accessor
    string getName();
    vector<string> getCourseList();
    Student* getLink();

    // Mutators
    void setName (string aName);        
    void setCourses(vector<string> list);       
    void setLink (Student* aLink);

    string name;
    vector<string> courseList;      
    Student* link;


// Linked-list Non-Member Functions.
typedef Student* NodePtr;
void head_insert (NodePtr& head); 
NodePtr search (NodePtr head, string target); 
NodePtr searchPrevious (NodePtr head, string target);
void deleteNode (NodePtr& head, string target);
void show_list (NodePtr& head);
void showFirstCourses (NodePtr& head);

int main()
    NodePtr headPointer = NULL;



    deleteNode(headPointer, "Tim");

    NodePtr test1 = NULL;
    head_insert(test1);     // This is where the new Student is created.

    test1 = search (headPointer, "Jon");    // Still experiencing a problem between here and the next instruction.

    cout << test1->getName();   // Something is wrong if this == NULL.

    return 0;

string Student::getName()
    return name;

vector<string> Student::getCourseList()
    return courseList;

Student* Student::getLink()
    return link;

void Student::setName (string aName)
    name = aName;

void Student::setCourses(vector<string> list)
    courseList = list;

void Student::setLink (Student* aLink)
    link = aLink;

void head_insert (NodePtr& head)
    NodePtr temp_ptr; 
    temp_ptr = new Student; 
    temp_ptr->setLink(head);    // Link this to what the head is linking to.
    head = temp_ptr;    // Use this node as the new head.

NodePtr search (NodePtr head, string target)        // Needs to be tested, to see if getLink is working correctly.
    // Point to the head node 
    NodePtr here = head; 

    // If the list is empty nothing to search 
    if (here == NULL) 
        return NULL; 
    // Search for the item 
        // while you have still items and you haven't found the target yet 
        while (here->getName() != target && here->getLink() != NULL) 
            here = here->getLink(); 
         // Found the target, return the pointer at that location 
         if (here->getName() == target) 
                return here; 
         // Search unsuccessful, return Null 
                return NULL; 

NodePtr searchPrevious (NodePtr head, string target)    // This function needs to be checked for the same things the above function does.
    // Point to the head node 
    NodePtr here = head; 

    // If the list is empty nothing to search 
    if (here == NULL) 
        return NULL; 
    // Search for the item 
        // while you still have items and you haven't found the target yet 
        while (here->getName() !=target && (here->getLink())->getName() != target && (here->getLink())->getLink() != NULL)
            here = here->getLink(); 
         // Found the target, return the pointer at that location 
        if (((here->getLink())->getName() == target) || (here->getName() == target))
            return here;
         // Search unsuccessful, return Null 
                return NULL; 

void deleteNode (NodePtr& head, string target)      
    NodePtr toBeDeleted = search (head, target);
    NodePtr previousPointer = searchPrevious (head, target);

    // Make sure the desired value is in the list.
    if (toBeDeleted ==  NULL)
        cout << target << " is not in the list, so it can't be deleted.\n";

    // Test to see if we are removing the first node.
    if (previousPointer == toBeDeleted)
        head = toBeDeleted->getLink();
        delete toBeDeleted;

    // Connect the node from before to after.

    delete toBeDeleted;


不要将指向 NULL 的指针上的 namegrade 视为设置为某物。当 Student * 指针设置为 NULL 时,它什么也没有指向。就好像你指着房间里的一 block 空地,问我你指的那个人叫什么名字。

你不能解引用一个 NULL 指针,所以这样做:

Student *s = NULL;

是未定义的行为。什么事情都可能发生;最有可能的是,你会遇到段错误。 (但这是一个实现细节,并不能保证。)


if(s) {
    // s isn't NULL.

(您也可以使用 if(s != NULL)if(s != nullptr)。)


test1 = search (headPointer, "Jon");    // Still experiencing a problem between here and the next instruction.

cout << test1->getName();   // Something is wrong if this == NULL.


test1 = search(headPointer, "Jon");
if(test1) {
    cout << "Found student; his name is " << test1->getName() << endl;
} else {
    cout << "Couldn't find that student." << endl;


while (here->getName() != target && here->getLink() != NULL) 
    here = here->getLink(); 

假设 here->getLink() 在我们到达此列表末尾的不可避免的情况下返回 NULL。 while (here->getName()) 中的条件现在解除对无效 (NULL) 指针的引用。让我们显着重构整个函数:

NodePtr search (NodePtr head, string target) {
    // Where in the list we are:
    NodePtr here = head;
    // Check that head points at a student:
    while(here != NULL) {
        // Check if this is the student we are searching for:
        if(here->getName() == target) {
            // It is. Great! Return him/her:
            return head;
    return NULL;

请注意,除非您需要实现链表,否则 STL(标准模板库)有几个列表容器:std::liststd::vector 是两个包含对象列表的容器。它们具有不同的性能特征,您需要在这些特征之间做出选择,但它们比重新发明一个链表更容易使用。


OK I can take that solution, I was just thinking there might be a more elegant solution - like including this check in the getName function if possible. The reason being, is that I would have to include the check you described above every time I call getName.

让我们谈谈getName如果我们在该函数中允许一个 NULL 学生,我们该怎么办?因为我们无法得到我们没有的学生的名字……很难说。我们会输出错误吗?引发异常?杀死程序?

在成员函数中,期望您正在操作的对象存在通常是公平的游戏。如果不是,则说明调用方在 NULL 指针上执行 ->getName() 时存在错误。同样,在普通函数中,我们可以取一个引用:

void do_something_with_a_student(Student &s)

引用不应该为 NULL,因此允许此函数假定它始终有一个有效的学生。您唯一需要担心的地方是“我有一个有效的学生吗?”是逻辑上应该引起关注的地方,例如刚刚搜索过学生。如果我在类(class)花名册中搜索“Billy”,我可能有也可能没有这样的学生:在这里,我们需要“不存在”的值; NULL 对此很有用。

即使您采用指针,您也始终可以记录(可能带有注释)该函数仅允许非 NULL 指针。这在缺少引用的 C 中更常见;在 C++ 中,引用是更好的选择。

关于c++ - 将对象指向 NULL 会将成员值置于什么位置?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22586323/


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