c++ - 类内成员初始化器与初始化列表的冲突解决

标签 c++ c++11


struct A
  explicit A(int i):a_{i} {}

  int a_

struct B
  B():mya_{5} {} // Initialize mya_ (again?)

  A mya_{7}; // Initialize mya_

struct B我们在 mya_ 的类内初始值设定项之间存在冲突和 mya_B 中初始化的构造函数的初始化列表。根据 C++ 标准如何解决这个问题,mya_.a_ 的最终值应该是多少?什么时候B搭建完成了吗?




struct B
  B():mya_{5} {}
  B(int) {}
  A mya_{7};

int main
  B b0;    // b.mya_.a_ is 5
  B b(42); // b.mya_.a_ is 7

来自12.6.2 初始化基类和成员[class.base.init]

If a given non-static data member has both a brace-or-equal-initializer and a mem-initializer, the initialization specified by the mem-initializer is performed, and the non-static data member’s brace-or-equal-initializer is ignored. [ Example: Given

struct A {
int i = /∗ some integer expression with side effects ∗/ ;
A(int arg) : i(arg) { }
// ...

the A(int) constructor will simply initialize i to the value of arg, and the side effects in i’s brace-or-equal- initializer will not take place. — end example ]

关于c++ - 类内成员初始化器与初始化列表的冲突解决,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22991180/


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