c++ - 为什么使用 'int' 数据类型而不是 'float' 数据类型?

标签 c++


最近我一直在学习一些 C++,但我遇到了一个难题:




它被认为在算术计算中比 int 慢。
由于它们的进动,您可能不会在比较中使用 float 。 (read more here)


Float vs. integer:

Historically, floating-point could be much slower than integer arithmetic. On modern computers, this is no longer really the case (it is somewhat slower on some platforms, but unless you write perfect code and optimize for every cycle, the difference will be swamped by the other inefficiencies in your code).

On somewhat limited processors, like those in high-end cell phones, floating-point may be somewhat slower than integer, but it's generally within an order of magnitude (or better), so long as there is hardware floating-point available. It's worth noting that this gap is closing pretty rapidly as cell phones are called on to run more and more general computing workloads.

On very limited processors (cheap cell phones and your toaster), there is generally no floating-point hardware, so floating-point operations need to be emulated in software. This is slow -- a couple orders of magnitude slower than integer arithmetic.

As I said though, people are expecting their phones and other devices to behave more and more like "real computers", and hardware designers are rapidly beefing up FPUs to meet that demand. Unless you're chasing every last cycle, or you're writing code for very limited CPUs that have little or no floating-point support, the performance distinction doesn't matter to you.


关于c++ - 为什么使用 'int' 数据类型而不是 'float' 数据类型?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26227748/


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