c++ - 使用模板类型参数时出错

标签 c++ templates compiler-errors


// default constructor, construct an empty heap
template<class T, int MAX_SIZE>
PQueue<class T, int MAX_SIZE>::PQueue() {


PQueue.cpp:14:14: error: using template type parameter ‘T’ after ‘class’
 PQueue<class T, int MAX_SIZE>::PQueue() {
PQueue.cpp:14:29: error: template argument 1 is invalid
 PQueue<class T, int MAX_SIZE>::PQueue() {
PQueue.cpp:14:29: error: template argument 2 is invalid
PQueue.cpp:14:39: error: declaration of template ‘template<class T, int MAX_SIZE> int PQueue()’
 PQueue<class T, int MAX_SIZE>::PQueue() {



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Minimal Priority Queue implemented with a binary heap
// Stores item of type T
template< class T, int MAX_SIZE >
class PQueue{
    PQueue(); // default constructor, construct an empty heap
    PQueue(T* items, int size); // construct a heap from an array of elements
    void insert(T); // insert an item; duplicates are allowed.
    T findMin(); // return the smallest item from the queue
    void deleteMin(); // remove the smallest item from the queue
    bool isEmpty(); // test if the priority queue is logically empty
    int size(); // return queue size
    int _size; // number of queue elements
    T _array[MAX_SIZE]; // the heap array, items are stoed starting at index 1
    void buildHeap(); // linear heap construction
    void moveDown(int); // move down element at given index
    void moveUp(); // move up the last element in the heap array

#include "PQueue.cpp"



class Tint MAX_SIZE 定义了参数,并且,就像常规变量一样(不是说 T 是一个变量),一旦它们'定义所有你需要的是使用它们的名称:

template<class T, int MAX_SIZE>
PQueue<T, MAX_SIZE>::PQueue() {

关于c++ - 使用模板类型参数时出错,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27030713/


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