c++ - 如何保存用户的整数输入,并返回一个字符串值?

标签 c++

测试环境:MS Visual 2010 Ultimate。



//Record which account was chosen
string Account::getAccountType()
  if (accountType == 1)
    return "Account Type:  Chequing";
    return "Account Type: Savings";




    //Print the Account Statement 
    void Account::PrintStatement()

            cout << "First Name:    " << firstName    << endl;
            cout << "Last Name:     " << lastName     << endl;
            cout << "SIN Number:    " << sinNumber    << endl;
            cout << "Account Type:  " << accountType  << endl;
            cout << "Transactions:  " << transactions << endl;
            cout << "Final Balance: " << balance      << endl;




//Retrieve client information
    cout << "Please fill out the information below for registration:" << endl;
    cout << "Enter first name:      ";
    cin.getline(firstName, 255);
    cout << "Enter last  name:      ";
    cin.getline(lastName, 255);
    cout << "Enter SIN number:      ";
    cin.getline(sinNumber, 255);
    cout << "Enter initial balance: ";
    cin >> balance;
    cout << "Enter account type:\n       Chequing - 1\n        Savings - 2 (Or any number)\n            Choice:    ";
    cin >> accountType;
    cout << "\nPlease wait..." << endl;

我的问题:accountType 被打印时(通过 PrintStatement()),它显示了用户输入的整数值。我明白为什么要这样做。我只是不知道如何更改它,以便在使用 1 或其他数字时,PrintStatement() 函数会显示相应的帐户(Chequing 或 Savings)。

我尝试了什么: 我尝试将函数 1 更改为基于整数的函数,并让 accountType 等于 Chequing 或 Savings 选项,但整数不能存储字符串值。我尝试改用 char,但出现 const char 错误。

我想做什么: 我希望能够获取用户输入的任意数字,并将其传递给 PrintStatement()(通过另一个函数),以便它可以显示相应的帐户。



//Initializing account entities
Account::Account(char fn[], char ln[], char sin[], double bal, int actype, int trans)
    strcpy(firstName, fn);
    strcpy(lastName, ln);
    strcpy(sinNumber, sin);
    balance = bal;
    accountType = actype;
    transactions = 0;


#define ACCOUNT_H
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

class Account {

    //Object constructor
     Account(char firstName[], char lastName[], char sinNumber[], double balance, int accountType, int transactions);

    //Object operations
    double DepositAmt(double amount);
    double WithdrawAmt(double amount);
    void   PrintStatement();
    double getFinalBalance(double fbal);
    string getAccountType();
    double getTransactions (double cDeposit, double cWithdraw);

    //Object properties
    char firstName[255];
    char lastName[255];
    char sinNumber[255];
    double balance;
    int accountType;
    int transactions;


在您的 PrintStatement() 函数中,将 accountType 的输出更改为

cout << "Account Type:  " << accountType  << endl;

cout << getAccountType() << endl;

关于c++ - 如何保存用户的整数输入,并返回一个字符串值?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28789301/


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