c++ - new int[] 抛出 'Access Violation' 异常

标签 c++ dynamic vector c++builder access-violation

我一直致力于自定义 Vector 类。在 Microsoft 编译器上一切正常,但是当我在 Borland 上尝试时,我遇到了一个非常奇怪的错误。

Borland 在插入函数内部抛出异常; 正是在调用复制构造函数“Vector temp(*this);”时在

“array_ = new int[rhs.size_];”行

void Vector::insert(int value, unsigned position) throw(SubscriptError)
    Vector temp(*this);
    int tmpSize= size_;
    for (unsigned int i=tmpSize; i > position; i--)
        temp[i] = temp[i-1];
    temp[position] = value;

   //array_= temp.array_;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size_; i++)
        array_[i]= temp.array_[i];


Vector::Vector(const Vector& rhs)
    array_ = new int[rhs.size_];
    size_ = rhs.size_;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < rhs.size_; i++)
        array_[i] = rhs.array_[i];

最后是 main();

 std::cout << "push_back 5 integers:\n";
 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

std::cout << "insert(99, 3):\n";
a.insert(99, 3);
std::cout << "insert(98, 0):\n";
a.insert(98, 0);
std::cout << "insert(97, 6):\n";
a.insert(97, 6);

奇怪的是第一个 insert call(a.insert(99, 3)) 工作正常,当涉及到第二个 call(a.insert(98, 0)) 时它崩溃了


namespace CS170
    class SubscriptError
       SubscriptError(int Subscript) : subscript_(Subscript) {};
       int GetSubscript(void) const { return subscript_; }

    int subscript_;

class Vector

    static const int NO_INDEX = -1;

    struct SortResult
        unsigned compares;
        unsigned swaps;

    // Default constructor

    // Destructor

    // Copy constructor
    Vector(const Vector& rhs);

    // Constructor to create a Vector from an array
    Vector(const int array[], unsigned size);

    // Adds a node to the front of the list
    void push_back(int value);

    // Adds a node to the end of the list
    void push_front(int value);

    // Removes the last element. Does nothing if empty.
    void pop_back(void);

    // Removes the first element. Does nothing if empty.
    void pop_front(void);

    // Inserts a new node at the specified position. Causes an
    // abort() if the position is invalid. (Calls check_bounds)
    void insert(int value, unsigned position) throw(SubscriptError);

    // Removes an element with the specified value (first occurrence)
    void remove(int value);

    // Deletes the underlying array and sets size_ to 0
    void clear(void);

    // Return true if the vector is empty, otherwise, false
    bool empty(void) const;

    // Assignment operator
    Vector& operator=(const Vector& rhs);

    // Concatenates a vector onto the end of this vector.
    Vector& operator+=(const Vector& rhs);

    // Concatenates two Vectors.
    Vector operator+(const Vector& rhs) const;

    // Subscript operators.
    int operator[](unsigned index) const throw(SubscriptError);
    int& operator[](unsigned index) throw(SubscriptError);

    // Returns the number of elements in the vector.
    unsigned size(void) const;

    // Returns the size of the underlying array
    unsigned capacity(void) const;

    // The number of memory allocations that have occurred
    unsigned allocations(void) const;

    // This searches the vector using a binary search instead
    // of a linear search. The data must be sorted. Returns
    // the index. If not found, returns CS170::Vector::NO_INDEX.
    int bsearch(int value) const;

    // Sorts the elements using a selection sort. 
    // Returns the number of swaps/comparisons that occurred.
    SortResult selection_sort(void);

    // Sorts the elements using a bubble_sort.
    // Returns the number of swaps/comparisons that occurred.
    SortResult bubble_sort(void);

    void swap(int &a, int& b);

    void swapv(Vector &other);

    void reverse(void);

    bool operator==(const Vector& rhs) const;

    void shrink_to_fit(void);

    int *array_;        // The dynamically allocated array
    unsigned size_;     // The number of elements in the array
    unsigned capacity_; // The allocated size of the array
    unsigned allocs_;   // Number of allocations (resizes)

    // Private methods...
    void check_bounds(unsigned index) const throw(SubscriptError);
    void grow(void);

    // Other private methods...

   }// namespace CS170

        #endif // VECTOR_H


您没有(明显地)在 insert() 中调整 array_ 的大小。这意味着您将始终在其分配的内存末尾写入一个元素。

复制整个数组(两次)会造成非常昂贵的插入。您想要实现哪些在 std::vector 中无法实现的目标?

关于c++ - new int[] 抛出 'Access Violation' 异常,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5691824/


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