c++ - 石头,布,剪刀,奇数输出

标签 c++ function

对于我的类(class)项目,我们要制作一个“石头剪刀布”游戏,使用一个函数来显示菜单和验证输入,以及一个函数来确定谁赢了。当我绕过第一个函数时,我的代码将编译并正常运行。但是,当我同时使用这两个函数并输入 123 进行选择时,它会给我 -4195200 作为一个值。


// This project will be a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

// Function Prototypes
int choices();
int userselect (int, int);

int main()

        //Variables and Seed
        int selection;
        char again;
        unsigned seed = time(0);
        int compselect = (rand()%3)+1;

        //Constants for the menu choices
        const int ROCK = 1,
                  PAPER = 2,
                  SCISSORS = 3;

                //Display the menu choices and validate

                cout << "You picked " << selection << endl;
                cout << "The computer picked " << compselect << endl;

                //Display the results
                userselect(selection, compselect);

                //Replay loop
                cout << "Do you want to play again? (Y/N)";
                cin >> again;
        while (again == 'Y' || again == 'y');
        return 0;

// This function will display the menu choices and validate *

int choices()
        int selection;

        cout << "********************************\n";
        cout << "*   Please Select A Choice     *\n";
        cout << "*          1 - Rock            *\n";
        cout << "*          2 - Paper           *\n";
        cout << "*          3 - Scissors        *\n";
        cout << "********************************\n";
        cin >> selection;

        //Validate the selection
        while (selection < 1 || selection > 3)
                cout << "ERROR: Enter a valid choice.";
                cin >> selection;

        return selection;

// This function will display the menu choices and validate *

int userselect (int num1, int num2)
         // If user enters Rock
        if (num1 == 1)
                if (num2 == 1)
                        cout << "You picked Rock \n";
                        cout << "The computer picked Rock \n";
                        cout << " TIE! \n";
                else if (num2 == 2)
                        cout << "You picked Rock \n";
                        cout << "The computer picked Paper \n";
                        cout << "Paper beats Rock. YOU LOSE! \n";
                else if (num2 == 3)
                        cout << "You picked Rock \n";
                        cout << "The computer picked Scissors \n";
                        cout << " Rock beats Scissors. YOU WIN! \n";

        // If user enters Paper
        if (num1 == 2)
                if (num2 == 1)
                        cout << "You picked Paper \n";
                        cout << "The computer picked Rock \n";
                        cout << " Paper beats Rock. YOU WIN! \n";
                else if (num2 == 2)
                        cout << "You picked Paper \n";
                        cout << "The computer picked Paper \n";
                        cout << " TIE! \n";
                else if (num2 == 3)
                        cout << "You picked Paper \n";
                        cout << "The computer picked Scissors \n";
                        cout << " Scissors beats Paper. YOU LOSE! \n";

        // If user enters Scissors
        if (num1 == 3)
                if (num2 == 1)
                        cout << "You picked Scissors \n";
                        cout << "The computer picked Rock \n";
                        cout << " Rock beats Scissors. YOU LOSE! \n";
                else if (num2 == 2)
                        cout << "You picked Scissors \n";
                        cout << "The computer picked Paper \n";
                        cout << "Scissors beat Paper. YOU WIN! \n";
                else if (num2 == 3)
                        cout << "You picked Scissors \n";
                        cout << "The computer picked Scissors \n";
                        cout << " TIE! \n";


你不是handling the newline that's still in the cin input stream ,并且您没有对因此失败的 cin >> 选择 进行任何错误检查。因为它失败了,selection 没有被赋予任何新值,而且由于您没有初始化它,您得到这个垃圾号码 -4195200

如果您执行了一些错误检查,或者允许您在 while 循环中通过初始化 selection 完成其工作的错误检查,您就会看到这一点0:

int selection = 0;

main() 中,您也完全无法存储调用 choices() 的结果。请记住,choices() 中的变量 selection 是一个局部变量,与 main() 中的变量 selection 不同),您永远不会为其分配值,在此代码中:

selection = choices();

关于c++ - 石头,布,剪刀,奇数输出,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17894500/


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