c++ - 单向链表的头部一直指向列表中的最后一项

标签 c++


我正在尝试在 C++ 上创建单向链表。我正在使用 3 个函数执行此操作,这些函数基于结构“DiseaseList”创建一个项目,将该项目添加到列表中,然后将其打印出来。

我已经整理这段代码几个小时了,我似乎无法阻止它把这个列表的头部定位到最后一个项目。只有 2 点可以改变头部(其中 head = *),但这一定是对我所写内容的误解,因为我无法弄清楚。


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

typedef struct DiseaseList
    int a;
    struct DiseaseList *Next;

}DList; //Not sure if I needed DList here or should have just used DiseaseList

DList* CreateElement();
void printList(DList*);
DList* AddElement(DList*, DList*);

int main(void)
int choose;
DList *Head = NULL, *NewElement;
do {

cout << "1. Add element" << endl;
cout << "2. Print list" << endl;
cout << "3. Exit" << endl;
cin >> choose;
switch (choose)
    case 1: 
        NewElement = CreateElement();
        Head = AddElement(Head, NewElement); 
    case 2: printList(Head); break;
    case 3: return 0;
} while (1);


DList* CreateElement() //Creates a new item for the list
    DList* temp;

    cout << "New Number:";
    cin >> temp->a;
    temp->Next = NULL;
    return temp;

DList* AddElement(DList *Head, DList *NewElement) //Adds new item from CreateElement to the list

if (Head == NULL)
    NewElement->Next = NULL;
    Head = NewElement;


DList *temp = Head;
while (temp->Next != NULL)
    temp = temp->Next;
    temp->Next = NewElement;

return Head;

void printList(DList* Head)
    while (Head != NULL)
    cout << Head->a << endl;
    Head = Head->Next;



CreateElement 实际上并没有创建元素!



DList* temp;

DList* temp = new Dlist;

关于c++ - 单向链表的头部一直指向列表中的最后一项,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27282694/


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