c++ - 静态类 C++

标签 c++ class visual-studio-2013 static

 using namespace std;
 static class base{
    int i = 3;
 int main(){
 base ob;
 return 0;



"Please tell me, what do "static" in class declaration? Thank."

它实际上什么都不做,但会被编译器忽略(看起来只有 VS 2013)。有关于此的警告:

source_file.cpp(9) : warning C4091: 'static ' : 
   ignored on left of 'base' when no variable is declared

查看实时编译器示例 here please .

关于c++ - 静态类 C++,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29175372/


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