c++ - 运算符必须取 'void'

标签 c++ class conversion-operator


// A struct to hold a two-dimensional coordinate.
struct Point
    float x;
    float y;

// A struct identical to Point, to demonstrate my problem
struct Location
    float x;
    float y;

我想将 Location 隐式转换为 Point:

Point somePoint;
Location someLocation;

somePoint = someLocation;

所以,我在 Point 中添加了这个 operator:

operator Point(Location &other)
    // ...

我在 Debian 上用 g++ 4.9.2 编译,然后收到这个错误:

error: 'Point::operator Point(Location &other)' must take 'void'



User-defined conversions operators被定义为来自 类型的成员函数,您希望将其转换为不同的类型。签名是(在 Location 类中):

operator Point() const; // indeed takes void
// possibly operator const& Point() const;

另一种可能性是提供 converting constructor对于:

Point(Location const& location);

关于c++ - 运算符必须取 'void',我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35541528/


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