c++ - 错误,动态分配对象到数组

标签 c++ dynamic dynamic-memory-allocation


class Terrian  {
        Vector *terrian_vertices;


Terrian::Terrian(int width, int height)  {
    this->width = width;
    this->height = height;

    std::cout << "Width: " << width << "  Height: " << height << "\n";

    std::cout << "Vertices\n";
    std::cout << "Element\n";
    std::cout << "Buffers\n";

void Terrian::construct_vertices()  {
    terrian_vertices = new Vector[width * height];

    std::cout << "Generating data\n";

    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)  {
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)  {
            int index = x + y * width;

            Vector *pos = new Vector((GLfloat)x, 0.0f, (GLfloat)-y);
            memcpy(pos, terrian_vertices, sizeof(Vector) * index);

            std::cout << terrian_vertices[index].x;

            Color *color = new Color(0, 255, 0);
            memcpy(color, terrian_colors, sizeof(Color) * index);


Width: 32  Height: 32
Generating data
Process returned -1073741819 (0xC0000005)   execution time : 10.073 s
Press any key to continue.

当第一个指针被复制到数组时程序崩溃,'x' 的输出应该是 0。这令人费解。有谁知道是什么导致了这种情况发生?如果是这样,是否有更好的动态分配结构的方法 - 无需使用 memcpy?


Does anyone know what is causing this to happen?

memcpy 的使用是不正确的。任何引用文档都会告诉您这一点。

第一个参数是指向目标的指针,即index。元素进入terrian_vertices数组:terrian_vertices + index .

第二个参数是指向源的指针,即pos .

(如果你很好奇,目标出现在源之前的原因是因为它与赋值运算符平行:destination = source)

第三个参数是要复制的数据量,在你的例子中就是sizeof(Vector)。 : 这只是一个 Vector它需要复制,而不是 index .

误用 memcpy就像代码一样容易导致未定义的行为,幸运的是表现为错误。

If so, is there a better way to allocate structs dynamically - without using memcpy?

是的。不要自己管理内存:使用 std::vector 和正常的复制语义。

class Terrian  {
// ...
    std::vector<Vector> terrain_vertices;
    // Hmm, this may need some touch up on naming,
    // or it may get confusing with two "vector" thingies around

// ...

void Terrian::construct_vertices()  {
    terrain_vertices.reserve(width * height);
     // reserve is actually optional,
     // but I put it here to parallel the original code
     // and because it may avoid unneeded allocations

    std::cout << "Generating data\n";

    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)  {
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)  {
            terrain_vertices.emplace_back((GLfloat)x, 0.0f, (GLfloat)-y);
            // or this if your compiler doesn't support C++11:
            // terrain_vertices.push_back(Vector((GLfloat)x, 0.0f, (GLfloat)-y));

            std::cout << terrian_vertices[index].x;

            // same thing for colors
            terrain_colors.emplace_back(0, 255, 0);

注意现在怎么没有 new随处可见。这解决了原始代码的另一个问题:它泄漏了 Vector 的一个实例。和 Color 之一每次循环迭代。

关于c++ - 错误,动态分配对象到数组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11496889/


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